View Full Version : when does it hit you?

05-03-13, 11:15
Hi all,

Just wondering when your anxiety hits? is it constant? on and off? does stress or nerves trigger it? when you go out? or does it just 'hit' you randomly? do you always feel anxious?

I know that i wake up most mornings feeling great, no symptoms. but after about an hour or about mid morning i get it. at about 9.30 (about half hour after breakfast) i feel the retching sensation and i get a dry mouth and have to drink lots of water.
I havent had the swimmy head for a while but yesterday, completely out of the blue my head got that sensation that someone had pulled it back..like a 'woosh'...and the rest of the evening. i wondered if it was my sinuses, i read about it being something to do with blocked ears or sinuses.
i am not in the least bit anxious at the moment, im perfectly happy in life and my job yet why do i still have 'anxiety'? i dont get it?! saturday night i spent most of the night retching over the toilet..no idea why.


05-03-13, 11:35
Hi, well I though I was surly but slowly getting after 2 years of this hell! Since new year I've been I'll and progressively it's knocked my confidence and now the anxiety is rife. I've felt stress doesn't help and over the last 2 years anything stressful has triggerd it BUT as I though I was improving I've managed to stop it being full blown, so its never got like it was when I had my breakdown 2 years ago. But this current dip is extreamly soul destroying for sooo many reasons, i want to be my normal care free self, my career is destroyed, I want to be well again I've got kids, financial worries - ALWAYS. X

08-06-13, 16:39
I have had this retching & gagging condition for 50 years. Growing up was a nightmare with school, vacations, and special events. The worst was eating out and dentist trips. Dating was also a problem. I went to doctors, psychiatrists, biofeedback, and specialists. NOTHING helped. I barely made it through college, but with mediocre grades. I don't know how I've kept a job this long. My parents even forced me to do things that made me miserable. Finally, my spouse and my mom won't force me to do things I cannot do. Since I've reduced my life to things that don't stress me & induce the gagging, I'm so much happier. My newest doctor prescribed a strong antihistamine called cyproheptadine that works wonders. It makes me a little sleepy, but really suppresses the gag reflex so I can go to important things like doctor appointments and events I couldn't go to before. It even improves my mood. I call it my 'happy pill'. I also found a few foods that make it worse, so avoiding those helps a lot. I may not get to do everything I'd like to do, but my life is so much better.