View Full Version : Overly sensitive, self esteem and confidence

05-03-13, 11:20
Hiya everyone , can anybody recommend anything to help with these things like a book or advice x

05-03-13, 18:42
what my councillor told me to do about low self esteem an confidence mine was mainly about the way i looked but one thing i was told to do is sit down pen and sticky note and think of all the things i actually like about my self or im good at,, so yes it took a while but i decided i liked colour of my eyes and i was good at sewing sutff like that rote it all down then when ever i got sick off my self i looked at to remind my self i aint all that bad!!!x

05-03-13, 18:46
Thanks mine is more about myself thinking I'm useless and not good at anything things like that I think it would help my anxiety if I didn't think so negatively x

05-03-13, 18:48
oh okay well have you thought of getting a hobby maby or do you already have one? because if you become good at one thing and concentrate on that sometimes you can feel good and not useless like you feel you have accomplished a skill at something? thats what i been doing but i seem to get angry and try find a different one once i fail at it :L if not maby you could do like community work or voluntearing so you feel not useless like your giving back to the world???x

05-03-13, 19:22
Yeh a hobby seems a good idea ! I don't really have one I'm not really sure what I would do for one il have to have a think x

06-03-13, 05:39
That's good advicefrom annadavid. I suffer badly from all of the above but since I took up something I enjoy and shows good results (craftwork for me), I've felt a little better about myself.
As for the books, I think I've read them all! Try your local library under 'mind, body and spirit' section.
Two good ones are 'The highly sensitive person' and 'overcoming shyness and social anxiety'. I'm sorry I can't remember the names of the authors. The second one was recommended by my therapist while I was having CBT.
It's hard to think positively about yourself when you suffer from low self esteem but it's the only way forward. I've had to try and get out of a negative thinking pattern which is hard.
I also try and keep away from people who bring me down which is also hard, especially in the workplace.