View Full Version : Any tips when you freak out when driving?

10-09-06, 21:40
Some of you may have read my post a few days ago, I am having a really tough time at the mo and it is my first day back to work tomorrow morning. I am feeling nervous already but don't want to chicken out again like I was on Thursday and Friday!!

My main worry is when I am driving on my own - it takes me around 20 mins to get to work but if there is traffic I can get really stuck. I am leaving for work early tomorrow morning to avoid it but I hate that trapped feeling when you are in a traffic jam and the fear just washes over you. I can just about cope when I have a panic attack with my partner or a family member who understands but on my own I completely fall to pieces and feel like I have to get out of whereever I am.
I feel faint and scared that I am on my own and no one can help me, even though the only person who can help is me!
As I have to drive to and from work on my own the thought of doing so and freaking out is scaring me to death.

What do you others do in similar situations. I need to face this fear tomorrow and need some courage and ways to cope!!


Cyn x x

10-09-06, 21:45
I am the driving queen on here! I am famous for my driving problems lol

Here is my Story ...

Nicola's Personal Story (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=mystory)

My CBT post is here..
CBT therapy for driving problems - my diary (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7162)

How to cope is here....

How to cope with Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=coping)

Other driving posts are here ...

Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)
Driving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6038)
driving phobia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5105)
Hi, I am new and need re-assurance (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6527)
Panic - When driving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6631)
Panic attacks while driving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7291)
CBT therapy for driving problems - my diary (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7162)

I have continued to drive throughout my 12 years of suffering and panic.

I have never passed out and I am perfectly safe to drive - it just doesn't feel like it at times

Hope all that lot helps!


10-09-06, 22:10
Nicola....i will read those links with great interest. Driving for me now is the hurdle i am struggling with. A mile is my limit - but i am hoping to go that EXTRA mile one day :)

10-09-06, 22:21
hi i also have this fear when driving i usually turn my music up and sing along to it also i no we shouldent do it unless you,ve got a hands free but i will sometimes ring mu friend and tell her im in the middle of an attack she,s a really great friend and she,ll usually talks to me untill ive reached home make sure u have a hands free b4 ringing anyone

t motown

11-09-06, 00:30
I can sympathise with you here. I sometimes get anxiety when driving, either when someone has wound me up or when stuck in a bad traffic jam, especially on the motorway. It's like I just want the journey to go smoothly without anything unexpected. The key is to try and think positively. I also find that putting a talk radio station on helps.

11-09-06, 07:24
I sympathise as well - definitely a big hurdle for me and a right PITA as I live 250 miles away from some of my family and it means I can never travel to see them on my own.

I have a real problem with driving particularly on motorways and also being stopped at traffic lights or in big queues. Going to read Nicolas story to see how she copes. My hypnotherapy helps on this occasion as I normally can snap out of it.

One of my biggest bug bears though is being stuck in traffic on a motorway bridge because I dont like heights!!!


11-09-06, 13:53
Hello, Lately I have been having the same problem as you. When I get stuck at a light, I start feeling that scary panicy feeling. And sometimes have to really stop myself from getting out of the car. I don't know why sometimes my panic attacks get so bad and then go away. I hope that you will get to feeling better. Good luck!!!

12-09-06, 17:55
Hi Cyn,

I have had the same thing when driving. The way you describe it, it could be me. I'd welcome any suggestions on this myself.

My wife drives our car to her job. So I cycle 5 miles to work. Firstly it wakes me up and makes me feel less fuggy arriving at work, and it gets the breathing right. Also, I have an escape route, I can easily turn round and go home (never had to yet). It takes 25 mins door to door, not much slower than by car. It seems a long way, but modern bikes make it so much easier with the lightweight tubing and gears.

If not would you find that listening to the radio, singing or talking to yourself would help!? I've heard that some people feel safer with a cell phone and a partner to contact when things get bad.

13-09-06, 21:31
Cyn - how did the drive go?


14-09-06, 08:08

I am sorry to say that I got about half way to work and then had to turn back, the symptoms were just too much and whereas usually i have been able to control them to a certain extent, they were just out of my control.

When I got home I had a chat with my boss and the lady from HR who were both great and agreed I should work from home until I feel well enough to tackle it again. I am so lucky I can work from home as I don't want to have to take sick leave.

I started taking the Citalopram on Monday night and it is making me feel panicy all the time, the only reason i am still taking it is that I have reassurance from some of the guys on here that it does kick in after a few weeks. I just hope that work will bear with me til then.

thanks for asking!


20-09-06, 00:57
Hi Cyn

I have had problems with driving as well although my anxiety attacks are not limited to the car
I was once on the highway at night- about dinner time- raining. I do not see well at night as it is and my anxiety meter, what with the rain, anxiety and all, started to go up
As I recall I got off the next available exit and was shaking like a leaf.
My cousin related to me the story of her having experienced an anx\panic attack while driving through the tunnel in NY after 9/11.
She said that she started to sing a childrens song ( mind you, she doesn't have children- sings it to her dog LOL) and continued to do so until she was out of the tunnel. She said it helped a lot.
I also can suggest the song of course or what we here in the states call " A my name is...... It has a sing songy melody and what one must do is.... " A my name is Alice and my husband's name is Alex, we live in Alaska and in our baskets we carry apples. This would then continue with the letter B, "B my name is Betsy and...."
I have used this at night as well when I cannot sleep
Also when in the car and feeling anxious I will look at license plates and try to create a phrase out of the letters ( dont know if same applies to license plates in the UK) such as CDP457- Carl's Darling Poodle.
Sounds a bit nutty but it helps to take you out of the anxiety attack moment.
Do not let this get you down.
Dust yourself off and try again
Thoughts are what drives all our fears and bodily sensations
You will be victor



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

22-09-06, 01:21
Pull over and remind yourself that the symptoms of panic are not dangerous and try and breathe deeply from your abdomen.

22-09-06, 21:03
hi cyn, i know the more you worry the worse it gets, i found the best way to deal with problems like this is to set goals, for instance dont look at the journey as a whole break it down, find a road sign to travel to then that is your first goal repeat this with the next road and again untill your journey is over, if at any time you are uncomfortable think of somthing that makes you smile and focus on it, if you cant make the journey at least you tried and its the trying that makes you stronger:D dee x

23-09-06, 12:10
when I feel anxious whilst driving I tend to drive extremely fast in the hope that I will get home even quicker. How mad is that? fast erratic driving coz you're scared!!! more danger from way I drive than any panic .....
Anyway, i have several tactics, open windows on both sides so hair ends up looking like marge simpson's, (but certainly distracts), elastic band around wrist to twang really hard to snap me back to reality, extremely loud rock music to sing along to (The Who works for me), spray heaps of Rescue Remedy into my mouth, sweets to suck, bottles of water to sip from, phone always within reach in case I need to ring someone urgently etc etc.

I was driving down the M25 the other week and when traffic slowed I could see other drivers looking at me in disbelief ....... mad hair, loud music and wild eyes .... looked like an escaped lunatic (but made me laugh). The only solace I can offer is that I always get to my destination in the end, I've just wasted an awful lot of energy doing it. I've also accumulated lots of speeding fines !!!

Kay x