View Full Version : How do you make yourself feel better?

05-03-13, 18:13
I think everyone has their own little tricks and tips on how they make themselves feel better after a shitty/stressful day, so thought I would ask and see what yours were? I have had a really bad day, and I am currently sitting here crying, agonizing over little details of things I have done wrong recently... like buying a coat for £44 that makes me look fat, and I have taken the tags off! It is RIDICULOUS that silly things like that can make me fall apart, wish I wasn't a perfectionist and could relax!

But anyway, what are your little tips? What things help, and how do you be "kind" to yourself after a bad day?

Mine are - play pokemon on ds (not joking), food! (comfort eating, damn) and making a to-do list and getting organized, which often just makes me more stressed/worried... damn I am negative today. But anyway, what are yours? :) Grace :yesyes:

05-03-13, 19:04
i read someone on here plucked up courage to go to the cinema with thier Nan , i plucked up the courage and went with my Hubby and 2 kids , since my Dad had died within a week , i felt i pushed my children away and needed to do something with MY family , also i braved going to the farm with my little girl to sort her pony out which she hasnt seen for over a week .....sorry to babble , but im sort of feeling guilty of being proud of myself , as i motovated myself to do it ....
i also find listening to music helps , keeping in contact with friends on facebook , setting targets that i got to pop to the shop,,bank ,etc, i dread it though to think im going to have to do it, but i feel good and feel i achieved somethin after ive done it ...think im trying to explain motivation ,sorry im a bit shakey at mo typing this and probably have waffled xx

05-03-13, 19:14
Music is definitely therapeutic for me, it always has been, but anything that distracts me helps, word games, quizzes, having a bath always makes me feel immediately calmer, making a plan to go out (really hard for me sometimes) but visualising myself going to a restaurant or a shop does make me feel more positive. xx

05-03-13, 19:17
music and walking for me. tv makes it worse

05-03-13, 20:02
me again , also i found reading inspirational quotes
Dont Look Back Quotes about Dont Look Back

google this above , i find this site gives me hope..

05-03-13, 20:22
I've put together a list of things which have helped me with my anxiety. Please click here to see my list. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=128428) I hope this helps. :hugs:

05-03-13, 21:00
I recently painted my nails this really bright glittery gold - whenever I look at them they make me happy :)

I also love to go for long, long walks - nature always makes me feel a bit better.

I designated a notebook as my "anxiety" notebook. It makes the feel better to write down my problems, and I feel ever better still when I go back a few months later and those problems are totally in the past.

06-03-13, 16:26
I give my kitty Rex a massive cuddle :)

06-03-13, 16:42
I think of at least one positive thought for every negative thought xxx

07-03-13, 12:35
Thank you for all these amazing answers, thank you! I have looked into all the recommendations and it is already working for me :) xxx

07-03-13, 13:33
Cinema works for me (with careful choice of film, of course- nothing about illness). Even before I developed HA, going to the pictures was always an escape for me. Slipping off to get lost in a movie just about kept me going when I was in a bad relationship in my 20's. I like to go on my own in the afternoon and it still feels a bit exciting, like I am bunking off school. It always makes me feel loads better. Not only is it getting out of the house for a bit but it is a few hours when I can't check e mails, facebook, twitter, texts etc or turn over the tv and watch something else.

Other things that make me feel better are, and sorry if some of these sound silly but we are being honest here, right? -manicures and facials, early nights, cups of tea in a china cup and saucer, cooking all my meals from scratch, doing laundry, quizzes and puzzles, playing those mystery games on my iPad, reading books I really want to read. That last one might sound a bit silly but I spent years reading books I thought I should read and be seen reading when really what I enjoyed reading most was things like Marian Keyes and mystery books, so that's what I do read now. Oh and don't forget walking, especially with music or audio books. I am a bit of a wuss in the Winter when it comes to getting out in the cold but I hope to get out more as it gets a bit warmer.

Good luck and let us know how you get on xx

07-03-13, 15:43
Incense sticks, candles and oil burners! I find different aromas very relaxing, expecially Lavender, Rose, Frankincense and anything orangey, all those smells are really good for anxiety. Also a hot water every night, a good book, and being around all the people who care for and support me!

07-03-13, 16:56
Jump out of a window??? I really dont know? I think panic attacks and anxiety have a course, I think it's hard to keep positive when they are recurring! Madicines may help BUt they open the door to a whole host of other issues. CBT - NOT had this but I've noticed some people say it makes them worse? The best medicine even though at the minute my soul is destroyed is/are - hobbies, doing something you really love doing. Music helps also.

08-03-13, 08:15
Music is good! I made myself a playlist on iTunes full of tunes to cheer myself up. I put headphones on, apologise to the dog and do my best karaoke. I like to keep the dog on my side too. Taking her on walks is good, and forces me to interact with other people, as she has a tendency to run off and play with other dogs, and all us owners can do is watch them and chat :laugh:

08-03-13, 08:57
Music is good! I made myself a playlist on iTunes full of tunes to cheer myself up. I put headphones on, apologise to the dog and do my best karaoke. I like to keep the dog on my side too. Taking her on walks is good, and forces me to interact with other people, as she has a tendency to run off and play with other dogs, and all us owners can do is watch them and chat :laugh:

Ha ha oat cake i feel the same about music! I joined NMP in 2011 and the in 2012 we had the internet disconnected because our mortgage is huge and my loss of income. Anyway last october the mortgage came down and we got the internet reconnected & ive realised since its been put back on and having my ipad, ive got access to a weath of songs id forgotten or, didnt know about! So at the minute i cook clean take ipad and blast songs everywhere around the house! Music is soo important to me, I forgot XXX

08-03-13, 11:30
My mother-in-law bought me a knitting kit, I used to love knitting but lost the knack for it when I moved away. So knitting has given me an opportunity to work towards a project (a blanket :D) and to help me concentrate on other things. As sad as it sounds but housework makes me feel better, to sit down in a clean and tidy flat takes a lot of stress away. I play games on my phone, listen to music or chat to you guys in the chat room.

09-03-13, 21:13
Thank you for all the epic answers so far guys :D xxxx

09-03-13, 22:58
reading (50 shades of grey )for the tenth time or any books on my kindle
playing games on my i pod
but these only last for about half an hour then i get fed up with them and have to change to something else

looking at strange videos on you tube like old elevators and strange escalatoers dont ask why i got on those but thay can waste a good couple of hours :ohmy:

frosty x

allthough im going to ask my mum to teach me to crochet i think lol