View Full Version : Nasal / Sinus cancer panic.

05-03-13, 20:52
Hello, I have been having one sided nose stuffiness, occasional earaches, headaches and throat discomfort primarily on the right side for over a month now and I'm worried that I could have nasal cancer. My girlfriend assures me that it's just a sinus infection but with it being primarily on one side and lasting ages I'm unsure.

I thought after calming down about my bowel problems that they would be the last worry turns out I was wrong.

05-03-13, 21:17
I actually get allergies that tend to be worse on one side. I even went for a load of tests and one of those things where they stick a camera up your nose. That was several years ago. IT all came back clear apart from that I tested positive for allergies to loads of typesof pollen and animal hair.