View Full Version : n.h.s nurse let down

rachel m
05-03-13, 22:38
i thought i would post this as an example of how people with mental health issues are being treated with this current coalition goverment. i trained as a nurse back in the eighties and bla bla bla ended up as clinical manager at our accident and emergency dept. i have seen all sorts to the point of myself having a nervous breakdown. i am at the point now where the job centre are tellin me to go and work cleaning graffitti off local parks. how does this help with people like us who are vunerable.

06-03-13, 09:17
As you say it's this government they have no empathy for the sick. I think they'd be more than happy to put us all to sleep once and for all. As they can't do that they seem to be trying to starve us all to death by not making benefits accessible. The stress of claiming now is terrible.

Go and see a benefits advisor at your local Citizens Advice or Welfare Rights office and see if they can help.

A useful site here for advice on benefits: benefitsandwork.com

Good luck

06-03-13, 09:51
It's just rubbish isn't it....last time I signed on for job seekers allowance (a pittance) they made me feel like a criminal yet I have always paid my tax & nic so have nothing to feel bad about.

rachel m
08-03-13, 21:05
bernie and tessar. glad u both understand. Thanks for responding. Dont get me wrong. Idont mind doin my bit for the community but because i,m claiming jsa i feel like i owe them somthing and i have to be thankfull for what they are paying me each week. Ithink what it is, is that if you look ok and dont have any obvious signs of dissability then you are able to work. I know by saying this it may cause contraversy but mental illness is by far more complex in many ways than having a pysical dissability that can be seen.

08-03-13, 21:12
Signing on is terrible. I haven't had much life experience, but even so, I've never been treated with so much contempt and disrespect until I signed on. They treated me as if I was something on the bottom of their shoe, dismissed my anxiety and told me to apply for jobs which required business degrees which I never had, which made me feel worthless.

It's horrible that there is no respect, especially for folk who have saved lives, served the NHS or the army - it's disgusting, what is this world coming to. It doesn't make me feel excited for the future, it just makes me wonder, how bad is it gunna get in say 5, 10 years from now.


rachel m
08-03-13, 21:30
hey chris, bloody hell mate, you should not have to stand for it. This is what makes me so angry. You are A PERSON who means something in this world, not shit on a shoe like i,v been made to feel. I wish you well, and if you would like to join us in a protest march to downing street soon then keep in touch. Anyone else readin this, we are planin to do a march to london to highlight the disabilities of mental illness.