View Full Version : I need help :'(

06-03-13, 09:33
Hello everyone, I've been doing so well recently! Got a new job, something that I love doing! Was do proud of myself, I started two weeks ago & currently still training. However, on Monday I woke up fine, drove to work feeling anxious for some reason? When I got in work & started speaking to everyone I had this sudden rush all through my body, my eyes went fuzzy, my stomach started hurting, I was having hot sweats.. Suddenly, I knew I was having a panic attack again :( I got sent home because I told them I was 'sick in the toilets' but really I was just suffering from my panic disorder/anxiety disorder again. Since Monday I haven't been back to work :( I'm terrified it will happen again! I don't know what to do, this is a brand new job, I don't want my anxiety to take over my life again but i'm having trouble keeping it together! Another side effect which is making me feel 100x worse is depersonalization/derealization! I don't know what to do because i'll have to go back to work tomorrow or I fear I could be fired :( I need help/advice ANYTHING! I'm desperate right now seriously :'(

08-03-13, 09:14
You should explain to your boss what's happened and how your feeling and hopefully they will understand it sounds like you really like this job maybe go see your doctor to talk about changing your meds if your on any.

Hope your feeling better soon. X

08-03-13, 09:51
Kimberley has said it really well. Does your new boss know you have a history of anxiety? If you're comfortable explaining it to him, give it a go. It might be easier to write down your explanation. I find it easier to email my boss when I feel an anxiety cycle coming on, and she always acknowledges it. Your boss must think well of you - he offered you this job after all ;)

Definitely go and see your doctor ASAP, for your own peace of mind if nothing else. I hope you're on the road to recovery soon - you beat it before, and you can do it again! :)