View Full Version : I'm scared of been told I'm dying and there been nothing I can do!

06-03-13, 11:47
I just cant stop thinking about it and I'm only 22! I suppose the thing with health anxiety is that I cant get passed thinking its the end! It always has to be something! I cant have a swollen gland without it been lymphoma or a lump without it been cancer.

I can honestly say that everything in my life is perfect, I am about to move into my house with my boyfriend and we have spent 2 years doing it up, but all I can do is sit and worry that I've got cervical cancer. I mean how can It not be? I have all the symptoms. The only thing in my favour is my age, but my next door neighbour has it and she's 31!

Sorry for the rant, I needed to vent :( xx

06-03-13, 12:06
That could have been me writing that post- we sound so similar.

I am 22 and associate every lump, bump and pain with the dreaded C and I am too moving in with my boyfriend very soon.

I have seen you post a number of threads- apologies if I have missed this one but are you having CBT or any type of thearpy?

FR x

06-03-13, 12:28
Hey guys I have had those exact fears and i can tell you they come and go. I had my first bout with hypochondria at the age of 9 years old. All i can say is get treatment because I am 42 now and while everyone who sees me thinks i am healthy and fit I feel like I am dying everyday. I lost all function, I cant eat or sleep and I have lost 25-30 lbs in 2 months. I an trying to get help but no one seems to want to help not even the doctors so all i can say try and get help now for your fears because from my experience as the years pass they get worse. You are not alone but hopefully your doctors will treat it.

06-03-13, 12:55
I have just started Stretaline, which I didnt think would work but I can feel a difference, i can get through a day without wanting to cry! I have been offered CBT but I am very dubious! Im far too stubborn I think! I've had HA for 2 and a half years and only just started tablets cause i thought I could do it by my self - how wrong was i? xx

06-03-13, 12:59
Yeah its good your feeling a little better. See with me its crazy - I have these fears and they have frozen myself. I almost cannot leave the house, fear walking thinking any exercise will cause heart attack. If I take pills i will get heart failure. I am afraid to eat and the worst is afraid to sleep.

Its good to see others though getting help.

06-03-13, 13:14
Aw I'm sorry to hear that, Im fortunate that my HA is not that bad. However it still stops me enjoying life the way I should. Do you have any counselling? x

06-03-13, 13:19
My advice would definitely be to try CBT. After all, the meds made a difference when you thought they might not. CBT really does give you skills that stick. I wasnt at all sure what to expect when I did mine. I finished it 7yrs ago & have to say the difference has been really amazing. I have skills I use every day. I cant imagine what I'd have been like if I hadnt done it.
Of course I still have issues in life I have to deal with but the impact thigns have on me is less than it would be if I'd not done the therapy and CBT. At the moment I am seeing a counsellor. Having done therapy before I sort of knew instinctively what was required but it has been beneficial having support. It means I can talk freely to someone which is a good release for me.
If you learn skills to help with one set of problems, you also find that you can apply the same skills elsewhere in your life too so it has a knock-on effect which is very useful indeed.