View Full Version : Anxiety after hospital stay

Purple Fish
06-03-13, 13:38
Hi all,

Haven't visited for quite some time (good thing) but just needed reassurence really.

I was discharged from ashort hospital stay last Thursday after being reffered by my GP for a nasty chest infection which caused a heart murmur. Was so scared! They looked after me well in hospital and I'm now infection free and my heart murmur has gone.

I'm so glad to be out, but feel so anxious. I've got a follow up appointment with my GP tomorrow, I suppose to see if I'm fully fit to return to work.

I don't understand why I feel so anxious, heart racing when I get like it. I keep dwelling on what was wrong with me and thinking what if it happens again?


Purple Fish
08-03-13, 12:28
Just wanted to say that I'm feeling much better after speaking to my GP and I've got another week off work so I'll be ready and fighting fit to return. :)

It is a bit disappointing when no one replies to your posts but I'm glad people have read it. :)

08-03-13, 12:36
Sorry Purple fish i have just seen your post. I am pleased you are feeling better now. I know my anxiety always gets a lot worse when I have any kind of physical illness. I have tonsillitis now and it is making my anxiety worse. Have a nice relaxing week before you go back to work. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

08-03-13, 12:59
I hadn't seen it either Purple Fish. Glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you had a perfectly understandable reaction to a nasty illness x

Purple Fish
08-03-13, 13:10
Thank you, yes I think I was feeling sorry for myself. xx

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 10:56
Purple fish hope your doing okay :hug:

Purple Fish
09-03-13, 11:15
Thanks everyone, feeling loads better. It's nice to be able to come on here ang get the support when you need it whenever it is. :D

Purple Fish
15-03-13, 14:37
Here I am again! Going back to work this Monday, not looking forward to it as I have to face my manager who has been pestering me in the four weeks that I've been off by texting and ringing. She's a nosey parker who isn't genuinely concerned for my health but just likes to get the lowdown on what's going on so she can be the first to report back to everyone. I reported her to my HR manager and I haven't heard from her for nearly two weeks. I text her yesterday out of courtesy to let her know when I was starting back and she hasn't replied so I'm worried she's annoyed with me.
My HR manager was discreet when she spoke to her and said the request to stop pestering me had come from my husband just so that it didn't make things awkward for me when I return to work.
I can't help worrying though and I'm getting in a state over it. :weep:

15-03-13, 15:42
Your manager was in the wrong to contact you while you were off sick. They should not contact you at all. I doubt she will say anything about it as she will know she was in the wrong. The same thing happened to me and after I told HR that I was getting emails form work, they stopped.

Purple Fish
15-03-13, 18:57
thank you, here's hoping! :shrug:

15-03-13, 19:37
good luck returning back to work and glad your feeling better

Purple Fish
15-03-13, 19:39
Thank you, I think it will be better than I'm anticipating. I'm good at thinking the worst! :shrug: