View Full Version : Weird head symptom...very scared

06-03-13, 14:06
Hello everyone.

It's been a long time since I posted on here. I have had several years of relative peace due to therapy, but now I am having proper symptoms and am really, really scared :weep:

I was just driving to work after being out and about this morning, and was feeling alright. But I had a very sudden sensation in my head, out of nowhere...it was like my brain switched off and then on for a minute, or performed a somersault. I suppose it was like having dizziness, but not the sort of dizziness I've ever experienced...I wasn't spinning or buzzing, it was very quiet but a very definite sensation. Very difficult to describe but very scary.

I've also had a couple of bad headaches recently, so I'm thinking brain tumour! It must be a brain tumour. My worst fear. Consequently I have been feeling very anxious lately and very tense which I know doesn't help, though I've been trying to get on top of it.

Luckily I am going to the GP this Friday (for something unrelated), so I'll mention this to him, but in the meantime I'm scared stiff of having a fit while I'm at work or, worse, on the train home :scared15:

I know that nobody can diagnose or cure me over the internet but I had to share with people who understand.

Thank you for reading...I would be very happy to hear your thoughts.

Anna. x

06-03-13, 15:00
Hi Anna, I get alot of head symptoms.. and extreme dizziness, was the dizziness like a spaced out drunk feeling? Like everything seemed disorientated ect. I also get pressure in my head and at time sit feels like band is around it. Is this how you feel?

06-03-13, 15:35
Hi! Thank you for replying :)

I get all manner of head symptoms - dizziness, a whining noise in my head, pressure (either as if my skull is bursting or as if there is a tight band around my head), and shooting pains (which I attribute to scalp muscle spasms). All are horrible and scary!

This sensation was different, though; it was like my brain turned over in my head. I didn't feel drunk and it didn't last long, but made me feel panicky almost immediately.

Anna. x

06-03-13, 15:43
Hi! Thank you for replying :)

I get all manner of head symptoms - dizziness, a whining noise in my head, pressure (either as if my skull is bursting or as if there is a tight band around my head), and shooting pains (which I attribute to scalp muscle spasms). All are horrible and scary!

This sensation was different, though; it was like my brain turned over in my head. I didn't feel drunk and it didn't last long, but made me feel panicky almost immediately.

Anna. x

Hi No problem :)

I get loads of head symptoms and one of mine is i feel heavy headed and spaced out alot with the drunk feeling.. I feel like this nearly 24/7 and i worry about brain tumors ect and i keep thinking im seriously ill. The tight band around my head i get alot, It is a horrible pressure and when you raise your eyebrows i can feel the pressure more. Yeah it is just anxiety symptoms and it is horrible i panic more because i feel ill 24/7 and the dizzy spaced out feeling is scary. My man thing i do wrong is keep thinking i got something wrong with me physically. You will be fine and yes it is very scary :( Atleast it didn't last long x

07-03-13, 11:37

I have had this weird head thing, on and off, it went for awhile. then the other day while at my computer at work, it felt like someone pulled my head back - like a 'whoosh' sensation. I have been feeling a bit congested like my sinuses are blocked and i wondered if it was that. but im thinking its either that or the anxiety. even though im not anxious!!??

13-03-13, 06:31
I've had this for the past 3 days now. Not really had it before and it is unsettling. It's like a constant dizziness but not like I'm going to fall down. It also feels like a rush from the back of my skull up and over the top of my head to the front. Hope it passes soon.