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View Full Version : Bloods?

06-03-13, 14:22
I had bloods done a few weeks ago and my liver function test was high so I had further bloods done which are all ok. I am getting an ultrasound next Friday. I started fluoxetine 3 weeks ago.
I am diagnosing myself with all sorts of cancer because I feel so ill.
I am shattered all day, constantly feel sick, cold during the day but sweating at night, very quiet and crying all the time, internally shaking, loose bowels and generally feel unwell.
My gp said it could be gallstones or fatty liver but also thinks I have underlying anxiety, he never seems concerned.
I don't believe all this is anxiety, it's a struggle to get through every day because I feel so ill and down. It's affecting my home life because I haven't the energy to do anything and cry all day. My partner is really good and does most stuff but I can see its taking it's toll on him too.
I also have m.e but I am used to the symptoms because I have had it for 12 yrs and I can usually get out and about and function.
I am so scared I have something serious or I am going to stay like this but I keep thinking would my other bloods have been off the scale too?

06-03-13, 20:05
Hi ziggy, I had a scan last week & was diagnosed with gallstones, have been having pain around my upper abdomen , especially right hand side, that travels into upper back , are you having any of those symptom ? X x

06-03-13, 20:37
I had this and it turned out to be a fatty liver.

06-03-13, 21:31
No pains just feel constantly sick and tired. What symptoms did you have with fatty liver?

07-03-13, 05:22
I had no symptoms apart from ibs.