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11-09-06, 10:07
hi my names linda i've suffered from panic attacks since i was 16 i can remember my first panic i was walking to the shops for my mum i felt like the street was closing in on me i remember running home my mum thought i was in a mood as i went straight in the fount room and sat there thinking what had just happend i think mine was caused by my mum leaving me with my sister she was very nervous and would'nt stay on her own my mum used to go too work and i'd have to stay in or on the rare time she would come out and i could meet up with my friends i was always running away from home but my dad alway got me back im not sure if he know what was going on
i was allowed to stay out at night's if my dad was in as he was a long distance lorry driver but if he was out for the night i'd have to be in by eleven i'd remember going to my older sisters house and i would phone to ask if i could stay over and it was fine if my dad was in but if he was out for the night it was no your dads out my sister used to try argue for me but it was never any good
when i was 18 i ran away to my eldest sister's my dad tryed to get me to come home but i knew i could'nt this time and he let me stay
i was always in and out of jobs as i didnt no why i used to go dizzy and want to get out i used to go to the doctoer and he used to say it was my sinusis and the heat
i remember going home at weekends my mum used to take dizapam i used to take her tables i think sometime thats the only reason i used to go home i no thats bad but true i used to take a strip of tables at a time i think sometimes i wanted my mum to find out i was taking her tablets she never did untill she came off them and i had to go to the doctor to get some for myself it was so easy to get them but then the doctoer said no it was a night mear i had to go find another doctor this worked for awhile then i was put on prozac i hated them
i think i was about 22 when i went round my eldest sister and when i was leaving i brock down and said if i go now your never see me again as i couldnt go on the way i was she got my mum and dad round and they called the dr out he came and put me back on dizapam
i had counciling for a few yrs witch helped me to know what was happening and explained panic attack's
well im 39 now i still take dizapam not as much i've got a 8yr old little girl and im engaged to a lovely man i used to hide my panic attact's but he knows everthing and he still here we've been together 2 yrs
i feel im alot stronger now even thou writing this i feel a bit wobbly but i know it's ok and i will be fine
sorry it's so long i know i've left alot out but it would turn into a book
look forward to chatting to you all :)

linda xx

11-09-06, 10:10
Hello and welcome.You will get some great advice here and will make lots of friends.We are all similar situations so you are not alone.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

11-09-06, 11:31
Hi Linda,

A big warm welcome to you. Never feel alone as we are all here to help each other.

Take Care


11-09-06, 12:34

a big welcome im so glad you found the site

not too long at all


Granny Primark
11-09-06, 13:07
Hi linda,

Welcome to the site.
You will get lots of understanding from the members on here.
Im sure the advice, and support you will get will be a great benefit to you.

Take care

11-09-06, 13:13
welcome essexgirl.wow! your story reminds me of me! i always had to stay in with mum as she was always nervous/anxious. could never sleep out or be home late, if nowone else was home like dad or my brother or sister, id have to stay in. untill it got to the point where mum only wanted me to stay in with her.
Anyways, you'll love it here, everyones nice and reassuring! Ill be around, youll spot me from a mile away! just look for the bad spelling!! i try to use big grown up words, but it just dont work!!
Becci x x

11-09-06, 15:08

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

11-09-06, 19:07
Hi Linda

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you
