View Full Version : Hello again!!

07-03-13, 01:08
So I've been gone a few years but I'm back and hadn't forgotten how f'ing ace the people on here are....

Here is a true tale

Yesterday I finally dared (for whatever reason!) type long term effects of hallucinogens into google I found out about HPPD, managed to get a GP's appointment today, am now on Olaznzipine (along with AD meds I've been on years. took 2nd dose today, and I feel 'fine' if not a little euphoric (it seems to be more to do with feeling fine, and being glad I bothered than a buzz euphoria). Yesterday I dared use google today I'm on anti psychotics and feel much better.... Hopefully from here on out my panic levels can be handled properly (and right now I havwe 0 worries about anything, which is fine because I have nothing to worry about)


I have gone through about 19 years of alcoholism coping with this and the associated anxiety and panics, mostly it worked I was settled enough to work and was quite a well respected IT engineer until the alcohol became more of a problem (and more of a cause of panic attacks!!) than the HPPD, I've been off alcohol (99.9% for 2.5 years) and work 3 years. I started facing up to it in the past month, finally a thread on reddit mentioned hallucinogenics and I found the courage to click search and the words 'hallucinogen longterm effects'.

Last year I found I got a a similar sensation of 'fine' (I define this by relaxed no neuroses happy just to get on, no worrying no constant thinking!, and no anxiety except when its due!!!!) if I took a low dose of valium my house was tidy I wasn't jumpy and my anxiety zilched (note the house tidy, I just did it because it needed doing you know, no other reason just getting on) but the subsequent use of it everyday from dodgy sources worried me so I went to my GP.... He convinced me to come off them, I came off, stuff got sketchy again!!!

Has anyone else had experience in olanzipine being used? Effects side effects? Whatever? I should crash soon but insomnia seems drug resistant now!! (note the diagnosis of HPPD isn't official yet)

18-03-13, 17:33
Bumping my own thread, I've got a referral happening to a psych and had epilim added into my drug diet... I've 'stalked' out some American psychiatrists who specialize in HPPD sadly they can't talk to me :/

18-03-13, 17:41
Hi and welcome back!

18-03-13, 21:22
Hey Arnie, you were here when I first joined :)