View Full Version : Sensation around ankle

07-03-13, 09:10
I keep getting a weird sensation around my inner ankle, I don't really know how to describe it.. maybe vibrating for a few seconds, and sometimes an ache for a few seconds.
Not really sure how else better to describe other than a weird vibrating/slight tingly & leaking type feeling.
It's been going on for a week.

07-03-13, 09:19
Are you wearing we boots or anything, just saying because I have knew knee high ones and mine are hurting

07-03-13, 09:32
Nope, nothing like that, I'm a guy I don't have any high shoes, I've been wearing the same ones I do every other day

07-03-13, 18:48
Has anyone had this? or something similar?
It feels kinda heavy, but not so heavy that it's stopping me from walking or anything.
It may even be my vein that goes over the inner ankle or the ankle itself not sure.. as the vein is ontop.

07-03-13, 19:59
That is kind of how my anxiety symptoms started. I was getting a tingling in my ankle on and off and then when I laid down it would really bother me, it lasted a couple months on and off and then one day I woke up and it was in my whole leg and then within 24 hours it was all over my arms, legs, back, and stomach. It was like a tingly/vibrating feeling. Mine changed though to only happening when I was touched, I still have it but my nearly as bad. Hope this helps.

07-03-13, 22:15
Thank you very much for your reply. So you still get the tingly sensation when you touch that particular area?
And yes! I too notice it a lot more when I'm laying.

07-03-13, 23:42
Not anymore, as I've calmed down, I still get it, but it seems only to be in my back right now, when I put pressure on it! But in the beginning I felt it on and off in my ankle, and it was worse when I laid down, then it spread all over. But it is getting better now! This started in November for me.

08-03-13, 09:46
Do you think it's stress related? or something else and is yours the inner ankle?

08-03-13, 12:37
I've had 3 drs and a therapist tell me it's stress/anxiety. I've had blood work, two clinical exams, and EMG, and a nerve conduction test. Everything came back normal. So I guess it has to be stress/anxiety. I don't remember where it started on my ankle. But maybe u should see a dr to put your mind at rest.

08-03-13, 18:39
Thanks for your replies. I would see a dr but I'd genuinely feel like an idiot if I keep going for things. I'm probably going to see my usual GP in 2 weeks time for on going sinus stuff so if it hasn't gone by then I'll ask her :P

02-10-13, 15:40
Finally, FINALLY, I find someone who has this same issue.

YES. I can feel you. I've been feeling this lately for no reason. And yes, I have that EXACT same feeling. Like I have a lump in my inner ankle, but the first thing that comes to my mind is imagining the vain that passes on top of it.

Along with this I get very anxious for no apparent reason.

I find my self frequently pulling my trousers up while driving, I touch that area, but to be honest I don't feel pain, just a mild pressure, but not physical, it's like my mind is connecting to that part of the body for no apparent reason.

As I'm typing this I am moving my leg around to take my mind off this, and what's really weird is having this sensation of inquetude and anxiety along with it!

If you want to send me your Skype or FB via private message I would like to talk with you.


From Lisbon, Portugal.

PS: I underwent spinal surgery (herniate disc) some years ago, although I'm just 27 at the moment, and still have episodes of sciatica going down my leg, maybe it's related? But why do I get so anxious when I have this feeling?