View Full Version : What happens at ENT?

expecto patronum
11-09-06, 10:43
I know quite a few people on here have been for ENT checks, and I just wondered what tests they actually do? I'm a bit concerned that thety won't be able to test me thoroughly as I only have a 10 minute appointment. Also how long does it take before you get your results back?

Thanks, Rossie.

11-09-06, 11:01
hi Rossie? is it jus a general check up or you have some symptoms?

expecto patronum
11-09-06, 11:35
I have had a constant sense of feeling off-balance/ dizzy for the last 4 1/2 months. I've just read on another site that ENT aren't the experts in dizziness though

12-09-06, 16:17
Hi Rossie! I have been to ENT doctor a year ago...i had severe diziness and asked my doctor to refer me. Just before that i have been to A & E and doctors all the time! they could't find anything and said it might be viral inner ear infection..I would't take that as an answer as i thought i am dying! so i went to ENT and he looked in my ears...done some balance tests..it didn't take long at all. He couldn't find anything wrong and refered me to neurologist and a hearing test. neurologist deals with diziness probably more, but ENT will check you for labyrinthitis which can produce same symptoms.
but anxiety can do same.
hope you feel better soon!
Anna x