View Full Version : Changing symptoms.

07-03-13, 14:18
Does anyone's symptoms change?
I set off with vertigo at the end of November and off balance 24/7, I went to about 3 gp's who all said it wasn't anything serious and it could be viral and it might just go. I didn't believe any of them and got referred to an ent, while waiting for my apt I was getting pressure in the side of my head/ headaches/ fatigue/ numbness in my hand and foot so dr google convinced me I had a brain tumour. It consumed my every thought, I eventually saw the ent and by then the vertigo had virtually gone and the ent specialist thought I had had bppv that had resolved. I came out gutted because I had pinned my hopes on him sending me for an MRI of my head/ears. I became consumed with thinking they are going to miss this brain tumour. The symptoms escalated into crushing fatigue, no appetite, loose bowels etc as well as the head symptoms. My gp did numerous neuro tests and I got my eyes tested and said there was no evidence of anything wrong. I convinced my gp to do my bloods for reassurance and my liver function test came back abnormal so this set me off thinking its spread to my liver.
I got more bloods done regarding my liver and all were ok but dr google has convinced me I am tired, no appetite, loose bowels etc because I have liver cancer. I am getting an ultrasound scan of my liver next Friday. I can't seem to get out of my head I have some form of cancer. I haven't even got the vertigo etc now and I am getting a ct brain scan in 2 weeks. I don't think I have a brain tumour now.
I cant understand how I can diagnose myself with all sorts and press to get tests and then my symptoms change and think its some other form of cancer.
All my other bloods are ok i.e red and white cells and esr which I think would be off the scales with all the cancers I think I have.
How can you convince yourself you aren't dying if you feel so tired and ill?
My partner said what am I going to think when the liver ultrasound is clear? I will probably convince myself it's my stomach or bowel next because I feel sick and losing weight and shattered all day.
I seem to have in my head already if it's not my liver or head it must be this or that.
Anyone else like this?

07-03-13, 15:02
Yes, exactly like that.

I've had headaches, tension is neck, floater in my eye etc so thought it was brain C. This subsided after I got my eyes tested- I no longer had a brain tumour.

I went through a whole load of worry with contraceptive pill and bleeding- I though I had cervical C and only being 22 couldnt get a smear on NHS so went private and got one. It was all clear. I no longer had cervical C but I thought oh well then, it must be ovarian and associated all symptoms I had with this new C (i cant even type it). This has since subsided, crops up occasionaly when I get bouts of IBS!

I've also have on and off lymphoma worries. At first I was adminent it was in my neck- glad was raised for a while (but had been for years). Then this changed and I was sure it was in my chest-xray was fine. Now I've started getting sore armpit and now im convinced I have it in my armpit node. I've had all the bloods for this and they are totally normal. I am convinced I have some form of it in my body. Im almost sure of it.

Its horrible :( I was doing really well until this week and the armpit has just sent me into meltdown again.

Take care
