View Full Version : Palpitations, Vagus, Hot Flushes - advice please!

Daisy Sue
07-03-13, 15:22
Could anyone advise me which kind of specialist I should be asking my GP to refer me to? I'm reaching the end of my normal coping ability... my upper stomach's upset, and this seems to be increasing the occurance of palpitations (not for the first time), but I'm also battling with very frequent and debilitating hot flushes, at least one an hour sometimes more.. each one sets my heart off thumping again, and I'm feeling really tired, drained, more than a little worried, & can feel myself heading into depression..

I'm thinking that the hot flushes are no longer anything to do with hormones, I think they're cadio-related, possibly vagus nerve??

Anyway, with not much support from the GP, I'm now thinking of seeing a specialist privately, as I can't go on like this.

Any advice would be appreciated, and especially I'd like to hear if anyone else here has had similar, & what treatment was successful.


19-08-13, 06:24
Yes, madam I am an arrythmia patient. I feel extremely tired and always an uneasyness in my chest.

20-08-13, 01:56
Hi Daisy Sue

I can sympathise wholeheartedly with you. I am suffering terrible hot flushes with pounding heart at the minute. I have been told its peri menopausal but sometimes I do wonder. I've also started getting the ectopic beats really bad again. I had them as I drove to work today and at one stage my chest felt tight when I tried to breath in. Unsure if it was because my heart was beating weirdly or whether I had started to panic and it was an anxiety attack starting.
I have had so many exams, monitors, echoes etc and all say benign. Still its horrid and when its happening so very scarey.
Hope you feel better soon xx
