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View Full Version : :-( rash now, worried

07-03-13, 16:21
hey guys I've been posting about having swollen glands and feeling unwell and I went to the doctor who gave me amoxicillin but panicked me about tbe glands. ive been taking the amoxicillin now for 24 hours and have developed a red rash on my cheek bones. I've googled that this can happen if you have glandular fever and take amoxicillin but I thought glandular fever made you bedridden and I'm not, although I feel pretty grotty and am struggling to concentrate.

07-03-13, 18:55
Hi there, first of all I'm sorry to hear you're feeling poorly at the moment. It's a bad time for colds and flus etc. You did the right thing in going to the doctor, as he/she was able to provide you with the medication they feel you need. The rash could well be connected to the medication you are taking. I think it's probably true that if you had glandular fever, you would feel pretty rotten. However, only you know how you feel and you're the one who is worried, so I would maybe pay the doctor another visit, get them to have a look at the rash and assess it. That way you can be certain it's nothing too worry about. Internet researching or discussing symptoms over the phone is never as good as actually seeing the doctor-so that would be my advice. More often than not these things are nothing to worry about, but getting a professional assessment is certainly worth the peace of mind and a good idea anyway. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better very soon! :)

07-03-13, 19:14
thanks, doctor was unsure, thinks it was possibly a reaction to amoxicillin, she said you can develop an allergy to it suddenly, so she's given me some different antibiotics and I am having blood tests on Tuesday to try and put my mind at rest