View Full Version : went out and came back alive lol

11-09-06, 11:46
I dont know if this is a success or not but right now I am sat here sweating and a bit wobbly lol.
I just went out on my own to the post office which is ten minutes walk away and it was so hard. I felt ok for about the first 5 minutes then I could feel myself getting panicky, and I managed to just about keep control till i got near the shop. Luckily outside there was a bus shelter so I sat there for a few mins while my heart was banging and my legs felt like jelly. I got out my mobile and wondered who to call, then realised there was nobody who would be available so I decided I had to just get on with it. I got up to go into the shop but I felt dizzy so I sat back down. After a minute or 2 I got up and went into the post office, paid my bill and walked out a lot more relieved than when i went in lol.
The walk home wasnt as bad as I knew I was going towards home and would soon feel safe again. But it was still a little difficult as I had to stop myself overbreathing all the time.
I feel absolutely exhausted now!!! like I ran a marathon lol.
I hope it gets easier but at least I survived it and nothing bad happened so it gives me hope.

positive attitude brings positive results

11-09-06, 11:51
WELL DONE!!!fantasitic progress!u should be really pround of urself.i too hate going out alone so i know how hard it is!but u managed it and nothing bad happened.you keep at it and u will be on a roll.take care luv moo and baby mooxx

11-09-06, 11:55
Mandy.....your still alive lol. Hey it's a pity you didnt have loads more bills cos you could go again tomorrow hehe. I'm proud of you.

Take Care


11-09-06, 12:47
well done. Its so hard isnt, i could have easily wrote that story, done exactly the same myself. Keep doing it though dont give up again like i did. Im sure the more you do it the better it gets.

Take care suzanne

s shaw

11-09-06, 12:58
well done! you did sooo well, i would have given up at the first sign of anxiety!
Last time i went out i was exausted, and i was only out 10 mins! You did sooo well! definetly a success because you carried on! you stopped for rest {something i couldnt do} and paid your bills!
itll get easier
Becci x

11-09-06, 13:05
well done thats great now you have done it try to do that every day just say to yourself i can and i will well done luv suexx

11-09-06, 13:45
werent sure if it was a success? YES it definitely was

hope the next time gets easier, even if it doesnt its worth the effort

good luck


11-09-06, 13:56
excellent - well done

Hay x

11-09-06, 14:20
That is great, well done [8D]

Heather x

11-09-06, 15:32

Well done on your trip to the post office mate, the more you do it the easier it will become now.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

11-09-06, 17:17
Hi Mandy,

Of course you survived - we always do!!

I know how daft we sometimes feel about undertaking this simple tasks - I once had to get a lift to the local health centre which is just 300 yards away lol.

Its very hot and clammy today, and that never helps our anxiety. So maybe in a day or two you will be a bit better.

Cheers, and a big well done!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-09-06, 22:44

nice one it is hard i was like you only a few months ago now i can get around 2 miles from my home and getting further yeahhhhhhhhhhh,

#keep going ,good 1,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

13-09-06, 17:24
well done mandy!!! xxx:D

13-09-06, 18:01
Thats Lovely News Mandy !!

A BIG well done to you !

There will ever be a time when we dont come back alive because of anxiety!! lol I keep telling myself that, but its sooooo hard!!!!



13-09-06, 18:18
Very well done :D:D:D

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-09-06, 22:35

Great job! I think you were very brave to keep going ahead and walking even though you felt panicky.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

14-09-06, 07:18
thanks for all your support everyone, im determined to beat this thing and it means so much getting support from people who understand just how it feels to walk in my shoes

Mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

polly daydream
14-09-06, 18:37
Nice one babe, well done you!!!

Take care,

Polly x

18-09-06, 08:55
had a few days in and got a bit scared of going out at all, then i get a call this morning to say my friend cant give me a lift to the school (5 mins walk away lol) cos her daughter isnt well. had to take the bull by the horns and go myself, which i thought i couldnt do. did toy with the idea of keeping her home then decided i cant avoid life totally so off i went chatting with her all the way. a had a few moments where i felt a bit wobbly but concentrating on my breathing really helped me through it. took my mp3 player and put the headphones on on the way back to give me a distraction. im so pleased with myself, another small thing i did that i didnt think i could do, bud i did it!!!! :D

positive attitude brings positive results

18-09-06, 09:01
Mandy well done you. Your getting really good at this going out. God theres no stopping you woman. I admire your bravery and courage keep it up.

Take Care


18-09-06, 09:01
well done sweetie
i bet your really happy you done that
just think this is the way forward

18-09-06, 10:54
aaww thanks mandy and bell, feeling really positve today, hope it lasts. onward and upward
mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

18-09-06, 16:04
Well done Mandy, good on ya, hope you have many more successes in the future you will get there!!!!


18-09-06, 17:05
well done mandy,

see i told you, little steps first, then it will become easier, why not try and visit the post office again tomorrow, because that will boost your confidence even more than it is now.

well done, im so proud of you

take care


19-09-06, 20:13
what a day! I went to town today with my boyfriend and did some shopping!!! a few seconds where i was unsure of myself but no panic at all, it was so wonderful, even bought myself a new pair of jeans to celebrate another success. came home and went for a walk to shops with my eldest daughter. got to keep going out, its getting easier every time :D .

positive attitude brings positive results

19-09-06, 20:17
Oh Mandy really well done you have done so well and you keep trying, it's true it does get easier if you keep trying. Just remember to think positive and keep going. So happy for you.



19-09-06, 20:21
Thats lovely to hear Mandy. You're doing so well, you've even been into town as well! I'm really pleased for you. Keep up the good work. [8D]


19-09-06, 20:27
Well done!! Thats brilliant!! :D:D

Zoe x

To be pushed is unwillingness, to push yourself is courage

20-09-06, 13:17
thanks everyone, youre all such a great help, the little things are such big things for me but i am really trying hard and remaining positive, was a bit wobbly this morning but took daughter to school and walked daughter to bus stop and went to shop, came home alone, its still hard work but i will keep going cos its worth it! but i wouldnt have come this far without all your support and encouragement, it means the world to me.

love to you all

mandy xxxx:D

positive attitude brings positive results

25-09-06, 10:50
hi everyone.

since you have all been sooooooo supportive of me with all your kind words and encouragement, i thought i would update you on my progress...
Today for the first time since my nightmare visit to the post office I ventured there alone again.... and I didnt panic! i even went to the shop next door to buy a few things and joked with the cashier while i was paying lol. I am so proud, but a lot of my recovery is down to you guys, you always keep me going throught the tough times. I am a long way from over this as it is always there and its still a tough fight but i am beating it. thanks so much, i couldnt have got this far without all the support i get here

love mandy xxxxx

positive attitude brings positive results

25-09-06, 10:57
Hi Mandy,

Good to hear that you are doing so well, always brings a smile to my face when someone is winning!!
Congrats on the post office, hope you stay positive

Sending (((BIG HUGS)))) to you


Today is a bright new day

25-09-06, 13:36
Hi Mandy really nice to hear you are doing so well, we are here to support you and I am so glad its working!!! Looks like I should book the babysitter n take you clubbing lol.

