View Full Version : In a good place.

07-03-13, 22:39
I have had anxiety for 16 years and always thought that it was something that I needed to get rid of, to fix. This was entirely my problem, I now understand that this is part of who I am, I cannot control what I think but I can allow these thoughts to be there.

I started taking Cit in December and it has really helped me, it relaxes my brain and kind of reduces the battle within. My mind is part of who I am, it is not voices in my head, it is part of me and I don't bicker with it anymore and this is truly a wonderful thing. Accepting the mind and being at one with it.
I haven't just taken cit without getting help, I have been going to a psychiatrist and have been doing yoga and attempting meditation every morning, I have joined a drum circle which is seriously one of the best things I have ever done! Sitting with complete strangers and connecting through the rhythm. Sometimes I smile so much that I feel like a freak but it’s all good. :D

I have also learnt to laugh at the things that made me most anxious, like public transport, going shopping etc. One thing my psychiatrist told me was to rate how much fear I am. Sometimes food shopping felt like an 8 out of 10 and then you think well imagine if someone had a knife to me... would that be an 9? So shopping is almost as dangerous as being mugged?? When you think about it like this it does put things into perspective. This fear isn't real, however it feels real, so why does my brain want me to feel this way? Am I really in danger? Not really.

I honestly don't think I could have done this without the cit, it just gave me that little bit of support that I needed to try things that I wanted to do for years, being comfortable around strangers etc
It is also great to have someone that can support you, especially when you feel sick and nausea.


08-03-13, 08:59
Well done, it sounds like you are doing well and you've come a long way in a short period of time. :)

09-03-13, 11:41
This is a wonderful! I'm so so happy for you!