View Full Version : alcohol issues again

08-03-13, 05:27
had been doing really well that last 2 months been on a diet and lost over a stone in weight, only drank very occasionally and when i did it was just sociable, i made the mistake of thinking "hey,im over this" went out on saturday with a couple of friends the next day bang! severe anxiety panic everything that comes with it all at once so what did i do? hit the bottle again, got really drunk on sunday again on monday woke around 6am first drink around 7.30am, im now on day 6 of using alcohol not getting drunk but a can of beer if im feeling the effects i drank 9 beers across 13 hour period even just having it open makes me feel better so its not constant but ive had to take the week off work due to this, all just to get rid of the panic, i know the answer is not to drink thats all i seem to hear from people, they dont really seem to understand thats such a simple statement but a really hard thing to do. ive hardly slept in 6 days and have spent the last night shaking,cold sweats, and panicking about the damage ive done to my body, i drank heaviest the first 3 days and the last 3 days ive cut it down slightly im trying to cut down the volume and % of the alcohol i am drinking, my problem is its 5.30am i cant sleep im shaking and if i had any alcohol in the house id have a drink maybe only 1 can of beer just enough to relax my shoulders and let me get an hour or 2 of sleep but i know id feel worse in a couple of hours so its a vicious circle, i dont think i have a drink problem in the conventinal sense i have a problem with how the alcohol affects me, i dont crave alcohol when im not like this i can take it or leave it, ive had problems in the past with the same thing but as soon as i kick the alcohol i just return to normal, im worried about the damage to my body although i know its only a reasonably short period of time i seem to kick into this cycle once every 5-6 months and usually i keep going for up to 7 days does anyone relate to this?

08-03-13, 07:29
Firstly, don't beat yourself up over it. Self-medicating is a natural response. It's your way of coping. No, it's not a particularly useful or helpful way of coping the long term, but it's your way of coping nonetheless.
Hopefully this phase passes. it doesn't seem like you abuse alcohol in the way that a day in, day out alcoholic would, so at least that's something.
I can't offer any advice other than to try and stay strong and don't do anything stupid while under the influence of alcohol such as drive a car or be in the supervision of children etc.

08-03-13, 07:59
No I generally don't abuse alcohol in my day to day life just when I'm like this generally I'm pretty ok, as I said just the occasional beer. The last week has been bad though