View Full Version : Tense nervous wreck!

08-03-13, 11:14
I feel awful my body feels all shaky, constant nausea, my stomach doesn't seem to relax and feels weird, crying constantly, no appetite, I feel full quick when I force myself to eat, loose bowels, my heart beat feels like its beating that hard my stomach moves and generally feel crap.
I feel like a nervous wreck and just want to be ok again.
I started fluoxetine over 3 weeks ago.
I didn't feel as sick yesterday and went to bed calm, I ate more etc and then got up today worse than ever and losing weight. How do you stop worrying when you feel so ill?
I am getting an abdominal ultrasound next fri but my partner doesn't think anything will show on it. I feel that something serious is going on but no one else does. I feel like I am cracking up.

08-03-13, 11:23
I've had episodes like this in the past even had the stomach ultrasound done, was all clear. I hope you start to feel better it sounds like your stressing yourself out :(

08-03-13, 11:51
Thanks. Every part of my body feels tight and tense and I try and relax but it just goes back again. I don't notice how tense I am holding my whole body until I consciously think about it.
How do you stop this?

08-03-13, 13:43
Zippy I know how you feel. I wish I could give you an answer but it would be all the usual stuff about breathing, relaxing, exercise etc which we all know but is difficult to put into practice when you're feeling that way. I'm suffering a bit myself today. Clenched teeth, tight jaw, stiff neck and shoulders and like you I'm trying to relax myself but soon as I stop thinking about it I'm back to square one.

It's hard isn't it especially when you have no idea why your body is doing this to you. Sorry I can't offer any magic advice but just want you to know you are not alone.

Let's take 5 mins out for some deep breathing and stretching and see how we feel!

Good luck


08-03-13, 14:40
Yes how do you relax, exercise etc when you feel so crap. I try and do stuff but I feel ill so it reinforces my belief something serious is wrong with me.
Every bone and muscle feels clenched.

08-03-13, 15:56
Zippy it is the side effects from the fluxotiene that are causing all these symptons, they will gradually ease but I felt exactly like this until I had been taking them for nearly six weeks.

08-03-13, 16:30
I took fluoxetine about 4 yrs ago and they didn't affect me like this at all. I just never can relax even when I try and take my mind of it like watch a film or something my body won't relax.

09-03-13, 17:00
How are you feeling today? Is the tension still there?

I woke up today stiff as a board and with a banging headache but forced myself to tidy round and go to the shops and it has eased off a bit. I think that for me, distraction is the key.


09-03-13, 18:37
Still the same, I have been like this for a month. I have hardly been out of the house, the fatigue is debilitating 24/7.