View Full Version : Need Help - feel like giving up - palpitations/throat spasms

08-03-13, 11:15
Hi, really really struggling at the moment, have been for about 4 weeks now, thought i had this not kicked but where i was in a position that i could deal with it ......instead its creeped back up and taken my life again..i dont know how many times i have picked myself up but this time i dont know if i can either be bothered.....i should go to sleep........its the only piece i get.

I am suffering from palpitations and throat spasms gp thinks anxiety given me beta blockers but says my heart is ok so not taken then yet as if heart ok should i take them??

I am waiting all the time for the fluttering in my throat and then the panic starts all over again... it happens a few times a day for only a few seconds if that..

I am going through a stressful time at moment currently been diagnosed with possible ms (still awaiting offical confirmation from neurologist after all my tests but they picked it up initially through an MRI of my brain.

I am also struggling financially at the moment which is causing some stress ..

I also getting quite bad acid reflux which has been playing up recently, could it be a hernia ? ...this is what i do I need to find an answer to my proplems which i can fix.....i cannot fix anxiety.....

Any advice would be really helpful ..sorry..:weep: