View Full Version : Out of the blue anxiety!

08-03-13, 11:57
I really shouldn't have much to complain about. Last year wasn't a good year but from October onwards everything fell into place, my mental & physical problems resolved and I was 1000% better. No more tumours, MS or other deadly ailments!
Life has been good since. I joined the gym, lost weight, started hiking, booked loads of weekends away, holdiays, etc and enjoyed being social again. It's still good but just lately, especially the last 2 weeks, I've felt slightly anxious again. A few things have happened I think may have triggered this (nothing serious and nothing overly worrying) but I think subconciously I'm thinking about them more than I need to. In turn, I've noticed those random twitches coming back, interupted sleep, forgetfulness, slight dizziness and that spaced out feeling. Yesterday my heart felt a bit fluttery and last night I had a shooting pain down my arm. I'm still getting slight arm pain today and also pins/needles in my fingers. I don't feel ill and I'm not thinking I'm about to have a heart attack but all I can think about is 'here we go again'! I guess it's bringing back memories of a really bad year I want to forget about. I really can't go back there!!! xx

08-03-13, 13:50
Ditto! I am exactly the same. Had some really bad times with anxiety but been well for a long time and now getting the familiar sensations slowly returning. Problem is that worrying about it turns it into a self fulfilling prophecy and that is really depressing as there seems to be no way to shake it off.

Like you I am determined not to go back there. I've just replied to another post from Zippy about feeling tense and nervous and am about to practice what I preach about taking some time for breathing and stretching.

We will beat this! Keep telling yourself that.

Sal x

08-03-13, 15:07
Hi Sal,

It's a pile of poo isn't it! I absolutely refuse to have a repeat of last year though. My problem is, and always has been, that I think too much. My mind never switches off and any thoughts I have can be analyzed over and over - however simple the issue at hand is! I think (there I go again :wacko:) that's where my main problem lies. Alot of things are going on at the moment and my brain is overloading and I'm sending myself into anxious mode, hence the physical symptoms. I really am my own worst enemy! xx

08-03-13, 15:22
Hi Sal,

It's a pile of poo isn't it! I absolutely refuse to have a repeat of last year though. My problem is, and always has been, that I think too much. My mind never switches off and any thoughts I have can be analyzed over and over - however simple the issue at hand is! I think (there I go again :wacko:) that's where my main problem lies. Alot of things are going on at the moment and my brain is overloading and I'm sending myself into anxious mode, hence the physical symptoms. I really am my own worst enemy! xx
That's me too...I wish I had a button on my thoughts so I could just switch channels to more positive ones. This is just a little blip and I am sure it won't last. I think we all need some sunshine to cheer us up :D xx

08-03-13, 15:53
We are all our own worst enemy but we must try and beat it! I really wish we could have that thought button that Annie mentioned. Perhaps we could try and visualise it. There's a thought ( but a good one!).

Bring on that sunshine! :D