View Full Version : Shaky and tense.

08-03-13, 11:59
How do you stop feeling tense and shaky?
I am unaware how tense I am holding my body until I think about it and then when I breath and relax it does for a second but then goes right back to being all tense again. Every part of me feels like I am all tensing up and my stomach feels odd. I constantly feel sick and dithery.

08-03-13, 12:17
Hi Zippy
It's a horrible feeling isn't it? I get it most days and my arms and legs feel like jelly and I get terrible nausea.

The best advice I ever had was a quote from Dr Claire Weekes - "Jelly legs still get you there". It's really hard but I find the best thing to cure the shakiness is to move about, even though you don't feel like it. My theory is that it's caused by extra adrenalin due to the anxiety and that if you get going it uses it up and you feel better. Give it a try. It works every time for me even though I think I won't be able to do anyhthing

Best of luck and keep your chin up:Dxx

08-03-13, 16:14
Pigeon, I've been reading the same book by Claire Weeks and it's saved me so much anguish this past two weeks :)

I've also been so tense, shaky and trembling for the last few weeks. I've been dealing with a large amount of stress, and her book really helped me to understand the physical effects of it.

Have you read it Zippy? It's called Self Help for your Nerves, it teaches you to just accept the tense feelings and how to move past them.

08-03-13, 16:54
:) Claire Weeks material is a Godsend to me. Try her audio"pass through panic" her voice is lovely but firm , I've read and listened to her many many times,earphones or book still in ears or book on the floor as I've dozed off.
I know exactly how you feel I've given my body so much pain by unconsciously tensing muscles then realising I'm doing it then relaxing the. 5 minutes later noticing it again.

Try to keep letting go but at the same time a accepting

Best of luck.

09-03-13, 13:18
Claire Weekes is like a wonderful wise granny. She comforts me beyond words. If she were on this forum, imagine that!

My answer to the original post, stop trying to stop being shakey and tense, you don't need to. It's better to get used to the feeling and live with it. Your desire to stop it is making it worse. Don't focus on it, just get on with your day :)