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08-03-13, 13:36
Can I feel nodes in chest? Is it normal. I can i'm scared. Btw its not infection.

08-03-13, 14:01
I don't know if I can feel the lymph nodes in my chest-I wouldn't know where to look for mine. If I press my chest area, I can feel all sorts of lumps, bumps and contours but I don't know if they are nodes or muscle or fat or whatever. All I do know is that everything feels as it normally does so I am not worried. (And believe me, I can be a worrier when it comes to health matters)

I am guessing that like most things to do with the human body, some of us will be able to feel the nodes and some of us won't and it is whatever is normal for you that's important.

You have clearly got yourself into a bit of a state over this, WB, and that I can most definitely sympathise with. You need a distraction from this -do you have any plans for the weekend you can focus on? xx

08-03-13, 14:08
Sarah got there before me!

What exactly do you mean by nodes? As Sarah says there all all sorts of lumps and bumps on most of our body that are normal. You say it's not an infection but I'm not sure an infection would present as nodes anyway. Have you seen a doctor at all?

Please try not to worry. I know it's hard when you get fixated on something.

Take care


08-03-13, 17:46
I can just feel lumps and bumps Al over my chest I can't drop thinking lymphoma. They feel like lymphnodes bean shapes
. So scared

08-03-13, 17:52
Like others say, many of us have random lumps. You are not going to relax until you get it checked by a doctor