View Full Version : Tonsillitis update - constant wet cough.

08-03-13, 16:07
Hello. I just wanted to update on my tonsillitis situation.

I went to the doctor on Thursday. He saw me very quickly (I was in there for under 3 minutes) and prescribed me some penicillin. However, he advised that if I do not get better by next Thursday, to come again for a blood test. Now, of course, hearing that I instantly started to worry that it was something much more serious.

My whole head feels entirely blocked up with mucus. Since I started taking the penicillin, I've had a rasping wet cough for the last couple of days, and I keep bringing up lots of mucus. My mum says that is a good thing and a sign that the penicillin is starting to work. However, earlier I suddenly found my throat almost completely blocked up by mucus. I was gasping for breath and trying desperately to cough it out. Probably damaging my throat even more but what else could I do? I could hardly draw breath and honestly thought I was going to pass out. This lasted about a minute or so, which is a long time of struggling with hardly any oxygen. After that, the mucus and the cough seemed to have gone, but has returned in the past hour or so.

I keep losing my voice. Completely sometimes, especially when I have mucus in my throat. and I'm scared my throat is going to swell under inflammation and choke me. I'm also scared that my spleen is going to rupture under infection, and/or that the infection has spread to the rest of my body i.e my appendix. Although I'm only having symptoms in my throat upwards, so I don't think that is likely.

My ears feel blocked up and I feel slightly dizzy and whoozy.
I'm scared of developing croup and dying.

Sigh, I sound so ridiculous :( If it were anything immediately serious, do you reckon my doctor wouldn't have been so speedy in his diagnosis? I don't actually recall him confirming WHAT was wrong with me. I told him myself, tonsillitis and I think he seemed to agree.

He also noted that I had just been ill two weeks ago with a bad viral infection, hence why he asked me to come back in one week for a blood test, if I were still ill :unsure:

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 15:20 ----------

I keep catching my breath on the mucus in my throat. I cough and it makes a rasping noise which brings up mucus and blocks my throat. I'm so worried I'm going to stop breathing! :(

08-03-13, 16:10
I have had tonsillitis loads of times. You sound like you've got a particularly bad case! The blood test will be for glandular fever.
Trust the doctor, trust your mum - they are both right! You don't sound ridiculous. In my experience the penicillin will start working very quickly and you'll feel loads better even in just 24 hours.
Take care x

08-03-13, 16:20
Thank you, Twinset :) That is re-assuring. Sorry to hear you'd have it so many times! It really is horrible x Ah yes, I thought the blood test would most likely be for glandular fever, which I really won't want to get as I am a university student! My cousin got it at university and had to resit the year, poor guy.

The penicillin seems to be working, at least the white spots on my tonsils (actually, it's only really my right tonsil that looks infected) seem to have gone a bit.

In your own experience, is it normal to get a LOT of mucus during tonsillitis? I almost can't keep myself from coughing it up, but I really don't want to damage my voice any further! It's a catche 22 situation...

08-03-13, 16:25
I have Tonsillitis at the moment and seem to be clogged with mucus. I have had the white spots on my tonsils for over a week now and they are still there.