View Full Version : Left receipt In cash machine?

08-03-13, 16:14
This morning I went to withdraw some money from a ATM. I asked for a receipt but left it in the machine. Now I'm paranoid someone will take my money?
Can this happen? :ohmy:

08-03-13, 16:20
The receipt doesn't contain any information that could be used to withdraw your money. You see them all the time near the machine and on the floor, I really wouldn't give it a second thought. xx

08-03-13, 16:25
I second Sarah. There is no sensitive data on an ATM machine receipt. Please don't worry, nobody will take your money :)

08-03-13, 17:08
Thanks guys.
I must of been half asleep at 6:30 this morning haha :)

08-03-13, 18:36
I never even bother to request a receipt any more (they just clutter up my purse!), but they don't contain any sensitive information - if I recall correctly, even the account number has asterisks in place of the last few digits, so no one would be able to do anything nasty with it. :)

08-03-13, 18:48
I had to reply to you emma as I seriously used to worry about this, as I was always leaving them in the machine or dropping them, I asked at the bank eventually and they told me that they contain no data which would enable someone to take your money, so no need to worry.

08-03-13, 19:00
Thanks both of you.
I always thought they did haha.
Has put my mind at ease x

09-11-14, 08:25
hi i just deposit cash in ATM this morning and when i ask for receipt its not available so i just left will it cause me trouble?? to much worried now

09-11-14, 08:55
Not at all. Banks wouldn't put you in a position where you could be in any danger by leaving a receipt at a cash machine. I've done it many times.

09-11-14, 15:20
I am always doing this, then worry about afterwards.
I went and asked at the bank desk and they put my mind at rest.

09-11-14, 15:59
This is actually an old thread from 2013

09-11-14, 16:16
Yeah someone new posted on it Emmz with the same worry

09-11-14, 16:19
Ah I thought it was a different worry (that the option of a receipt wasn't available) and people were responding Em.ma's post instead of the new one.

please ignore me lol

Catherine S
09-11-14, 23:05
Yes the thread appears to have been bumped by a member called Via who lives in Abu Dahbi...and the first post is about ATM machines? That makes a change from a question about anxiety and panic lol, but not sure if the cash machines in that part of the world work the same way as ours, since Via talks about depositing money into it rather than taking money out? Interesting.


10-11-14, 07:59
Ah I thought it was a different worry (that the option of a receipt wasn't available) and people were responding Em.ma's post instead of the new one.

please ignore me lol

The poster has deposited cash into a machine and it didn't print a receipt so they may be concerned they are going to lose their money.

I've never done this myself but I would imagine you have to include a paying in slip or something?

If its an electronic payment in, the system itself will have already captured it regardless of a receipt.