View Full Version : drop in centre

08-03-13, 16:21
well had to meet my cpn at the place called the anchor project its basically a drop in centre for people with mental health problems.
we started of by having a one to one conversation which was its usual pointless effort she then left and i joined in with all the people that drift in through out the day i was with them from about 12 till 3 , i must say it's tuff to see wether im gunna benfit from this group each week there were people there with some serious problems running me through them one person after another, i did find one person that i could comunicate with quite well we spoke for quite a while he cant make it next week though.
one downside was a scottish bloke who asked what meds i was on as soon as i mentioned venlfaxine he started banging on about how poorly it made him and i shouldnt touch the stuff, at which point one of the supervisers stepped in and said max's brain maybe completley different to yours and told him not to speak to me about meds anymore.
we all made mothers day cards today i guess this place is better than sitting at home and it may be a bit more chilled a few weeks in.
one good thing was i managed to get the bus in and back and walk through town

08-03-13, 16:23
Like I said in my PM..You have done really well, :yahoo: Proud of you :D

08-03-13, 16:55
You are doing really well Max, stay positive.x

08-03-13, 17:11
Totally agree with Annie & BobbyDog...well done Max!! You faced your fears and you managed them really well. Brilliant!! :yahoo: x

09-03-13, 05:00
Had a similar experience myself once. My mistake was to get involved with several people who had far more serious issues, which actually worsened my anxiety. Tread carefully and try and seek out those with similar issues to yourself for mutual support, then you will be fine. Be wary of anyone who makes you feel worse - it's not what you're there for!

09-03-13, 19:03
yes im gunna have to pick and choose wisely who i hang round with there , i thought i was negative till i met some of these folks, the last thing i want is to be told by paitents my meds are a nightmare and they will mess me up , plus ill never get better im willing to give it another go but if i start coming out of there worse of i will give it a miss. i really do like the supervisors there though

10-03-13, 11:06
Yeah - sounds like the supervisor intervened very quickly when that bloke started off. If it is well run then it could be really good for you.

I was on sertraline and I read up loads on the internet before I started taking. I was completely bricking it after reading some of the many horror stories posted around the place. In the end the I found the side effects pretty horrendous for the first four weeks, but after they had passed the drug really helped me. Even coming off it I was terrified, but that went smoothly as well. I did find the support on here pretty good under the individual medications part of the forum. I got loads of support from others going through the sertraline journey at the same time and that was absolutely fantastic. I would have been more likely to throw in the towel and come off due to the side effects if it hadn't have been for them.

10-03-13, 21:36
yes the supervisors are very good there ie no swearing they listen to conversations and if things are getting a bit heavy they step in and stop it, thats the only reason im giving it another go i felt sorry for some of the people there they were seriously low ive been there myself , i wanted to gie um a hug but it was my first week so just tried to select the right people to speak to,
im trying to chill about the venlfaxine in , i need to work on things that people would take in there stride but triggers my anxiety depression and last for up to a week, so its back to the drop in centre this week maybe some different people there this week

11-03-13, 11:02
yes the supervisors are very good there ie no swearing they listen to conversations and if things are getting a bit heavy they step in and stop it, thats the only reason im giving it another go i felt sorry for some of the people there they were seriously low ive been there myself , i wanted to gie um a hug but it was my first week so just tried to select the right people to speak to,
im trying to chill about the venlfaxine in , i need to work on things that people would take in there stride but triggers my anxiety depression and last for up to a week, so its back to the drop in centre this week maybe some different people there this week

Hope you enjoy it a bit more this week Max. Don't let other peoples problems drag you down. Try and lead conversations on to positive topics away from the heavy stuff. It's all too easy to get wrapped up in other peoples problems. Time to put yourself first and concentrate on your own needs.:yesyes: