View Full Version : Don't know if this is the right place....

08-03-13, 18:12
I've just posted the following in General Anxiety but don't know if it should be here instead:

"Hi all, I'm really in a panic at the moment!

I was sent a letter by my dentist for my regular checkup, naturally I was worried so put it away 'to do tomorrow' and tomorrow has turned into 4 months later!!

I've been having some slight tenderness on one of my bottom tooth/teeth which is really mild but been there quite a few months now. It's not painful just tender only when I brush and sometimes when I chew something crunchy. Now I'm stressing out that I've got some sort of infection, decay or something and I'm going to have to have a procedure done like a root canal or similar and this is making my anxiety rocket. I was worried about going to the dentist because I never leave the house and get anxiety about going out anywhere, now it's just doubled because I'm worried about having something done :( I am going to make an appointment because I'm so worked up about it and I won't settle now but what can I do to ease my anxiety over the weekend? I won't get an appointment now until next week at least and I don't know how to control my worries :( Does anyone know what this could be? I'm 19 if that helps and have only ever had 1 filling."

08-03-13, 19:05
If you needed root canal, you'd know about it, believe me! Also, the treatment for root canal isn't too bad really, just uncomfortable and lengthy but way, way better than the horrible pain you'd be getting if you needed it.

Sounds to me like you have nothing more than a tiny cavity and as you're dealing with it now before it gets too bad, the treatment should be minimal.

Well done for getting it sorted now. A lot of us wait for the pain to be so bad we can't bear it before making an appointment but you have it all in hand xx