View Full Version : Anyone had body aches/twinges

08-03-13, 19:06
And found it out to be a vitimin deficiency or viral arthritis?

Thank you

Daisy Sue
08-03-13, 19:46
The only experience I've had along these lines are when my Vit B12 injection is due, or overdue... I get lots of tell-tale symptoms and one of them is aching joints, particularly my knees & ankles. A day after the injection, and all the symptoms disappear.

Have you been told you've got deficiencies, Sparkle?

08-03-13, 19:49
No I haven't I just know it can't be anxiety. I had it last year, body aches and was told by my doctor that he thought I had viral arthritis and that it may take three mths to go, it did about that exactly actually. But 7 8 mths later it's back. It's not really sore, more like pinched and twinges anywhere from my nails to my toes.x

Daisy Sue
08-03-13, 19:57
It does sound like it could be a viral thing.. I know when I've had flu absolutely everything aches, even my scalp!

Maybe put yourself on regular anti-inflammatories for a few days, if you can take them..?

It's quite easy to get tested for deficiencies... if your aches persist, I'd go see the doc & see if they'll do a blood test, also to check if you're fighting something off at the moment.

08-03-13, 20:00
Thank you I'm going to go to the doctors. It was two weeks ago I was ill. I just really hate it as I worry so much.

Thanks you for replying

Daisy Sue
08-03-13, 20:03
You're welcome :) I hope you feel better soon, & the doctor can reassure you. x