View Full Version : wonder drug, shame I wont be allowed it

08-03-13, 20:35
I was in the out of hours doc early the other morning after a bad turn and was given 2mg of diazepam to help me. Worked a treat.

I was given 6 tablets and as I had blood tests this morning which I am petrified of, I took another beforehand and for the first time ever didn't bat an eyelid and walked out the room straight after. Normally im there for ages due to feeling faint and anxious.

Felt great most of the day too.

Just sickening that I've found something that really helps but I won't be prescribed them long term.


08-03-13, 20:48
That is frustrating to know how much better it feels, but try to think in the long term, the reason they won't give it to you is because it's addictive and can cause long term health problems. In the end being reliant on a drug that's addictive is only going to add to your problems. Have you tried any other medications that are better long term, or any other therapy or self help? Believe me, I know how desperate that need for relief is when you feel so bad.

08-03-13, 20:56
ever tried a beta blocker, im addicted to diazepam

08-03-13, 21:43
I've got propranolol which I take 3 times a day (20mg) but they arent helping much. Although i haven't had any today as wasn't sure if I could take diazepam and propranolol together. Seeing the doc again next Friday so we'll see what's happening.

08-03-13, 21:47
I found Prozac worked much better for my anxiety than propanalol. Propanalol reduced the physical sensations but it didn't really reduce the actual anxiety.

09-03-13, 05:48
This is a good medication to be used very occasionally , unfortunately as others have stated it is very addictive and causes further problems later on .

hope your feeling better today

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 09:50
This is a good medication to be used very occasionally , unfortunately as others have stated it is very addictive and causes further problems later on .

hope your feeling better today

Tamo makes a good point.

09-03-13, 12:33
I've got an appt on Friday so I'm going to tell the doc the beta blockers aren't really helping. It pains me to go on ssri's as - not to go into to much detail- a bit of slap and tickle with my wife is a good therapy and I know that these kill your, let's say, performance.

09-03-13, 13:34
That's one possible side effect but certainly isn't the case for everyone. I am a woman but actually my sex drive was better when I was on them as I found anxiety makes it worse. Thinking of maybe restarting them myself as they really worked for me before.

09-03-13, 13:36
what other health problems dues diazepam cause further on????

09-03-13, 13:40
Sorry mrsnobody that was unclear I didn't mean the drug causes long term health problems, I meant addiction to a drug is a long term health problem. I didn't phrase it clearly x

09-03-13, 14:22
I guess I just need to follow the docs advice. Need to get over this bad spell.

Carly Lou
09-03-13, 16:35
What makes me mad with myself... is that when im feeling so severely anxious i will take a diazepam... and then i feel fine... so i KNOW its just anxiety... but i still cant convince myself and will be back to square one again a few days later....
My HA is just horrenous.... im trying to get myslef to go back on Mirtazapine... it was a godsend to me once.... its just making myself do it....

Carls xx

09-03-13, 16:37
Carly Lou I am the same, I was prescribed citalopram and I won't take it even though I know I would be better off, there are just loads of reasons in my head why i won't take it.

Carly Lou
09-03-13, 16:42
I just cant bring myself to take it.... it worked so well for me and i felt better than i ever did... but im to scared to take it again for some reason... its so silly because i know it will help me but part of me worrys what if it doesnt this time... does that mean i am really ill but i havent been diagnosed.... i hate HA so much... :(
i think its also the fear of being dependant on a med to feel better... i keep thinking if i was ok this past year then my HA will pass... i know it wont tho :( it will just get worse and worse again like it did last time....x

09-03-13, 18:15
I know, I keep thinking I will leave it a few more weeks, if I just get to the summer or whatever then things will improve but they have been bad for ages.

09-04-13, 08:52
Hey guys :) I was hooked on diazepam for a few months, they were the only thing that brought me down from panic mode all day and I had to slowly wean myself off and I experienced side affects just after a few months :/ it's a brilliant drug but highly addictive and very harsh on the liver and kidneys mrs nobody the body finds it hard to get rid of it from our systems sometimes hence why u can still feel drowsy 48hours later. I know it feels awful finding something that works and not bein able to get more , I remember my doctor nearly crying with me apologising saying he's sorry he can't give me anymore and we can try anything else i would like lol , but we have to remember if a drug can make our brains work like that, we can do it too! Xx :)

09-04-13, 10:33
You get used to the effects of diazepam quickly, and end up needing more. I'm on 4x5mg a day at the moment to enable me to get settled with sertraline. I will then taper off them. I need them as ssri's cripple me but am using them for a specific reason. Once sertraline has kicked in I will go back to 2mg diazepam for panic and anxiety attacks. I always thought diazepam was the answer to my problems but it isn't. You need something long term. My sex life is affected, which is awful as I'm not interested at the minute, but it will come back, so don't be put off.