View Full Version : was doing so well :(

08-03-13, 21:49
Hey everyone!

So I've been gone 6 months, I was doing very well! But as is the case with most of us its hit me again, hard!! Have been having lots of pain in my right side where my ovariys are, sometimes its sharp stabbing pain and sometimes a dull ache for most of the day for a few months didn't reali think much of it at first thought maybe I'd pulled a mussle or something, but now its painfull if I'm just laying there, spoke to my doctor yesterday and he is sending me to have and internal ultrasound but won't get the app for around 4-6 weeks :( just wanted to know if anyone has had this? Maybe help to calm me down a little? Had a pap test down last month and everything was normal, thanks for reading and hope to hear from anyone soon xxx

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 06:42
Hey Laura,

Try to relax, this is most likely a common ovarian cyst. They can be painful at times but are (other then that) completely harmless! I had those feelings around the age of 14 or so? I didn't have normal periods at the time, and very very bad pains, that would go from stabbing to a light trob. Birth control actually stopped this and the cysts went away.