View Full Version : Depressed about my age

08-03-13, 22:52
Hello everyone, i suffer with severe anxiety and depression and have very low confidence and self-esteem and worry so so much about age. I am pretty worried all the time. I am a young girl from london in my late teens. I have this friend who i think is actually making my worries worse and confidence lower as i think they want to just take what they can and not really bothered and probably laughing behind my back as they think im crazy and often just putting up with me and having one over on me always. :weep:

08-03-13, 22:59
hello id say your around 16/18 x

08-03-13, 23:07

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. You say you are worried about your age, how do you mean? are you worried about looking older then your age or younger? Or are you worried about your age meaning you want to be older or younger?

08-03-13, 23:16
Well just worried i look old really. Thats me being honest. :(

08-03-13, 23:23
Well you don't look old. I had to ask what you were worried about, if I thought you looked old then I would of been able to guess that's what you were worried about, but I couldn't.

Id agree with the Lindadiana, i'd say you look around 17.

You have nothing to worry about you look fine :)

09-03-13, 00:03
Age is a state of mind, Grace. Don't ever worry about growing older, wiser and stronger. Worry about never growing up like your so called friends :winks:

I'm 38 and have never felt more confident in myself.

Confidence comes with experience. It will come for you. Enjoy each day and try not to worry so much about what others think of you. It really doesn't matter. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin ~ that is what matters :)

Have a good weekend :bighug1:

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 01:31
Oh doll, you look lovely. I see you as possibly 19- 21.

09-03-13, 04:45
You're fine - try not to worry, easier said than done I know. I hated my looks when I was your age - largely because I looked younger than I was and I would still get asked for ID and stuff when I was well passed 16 or 18. I wanted to look like a MATURE man and not like a kid! I would worry going to pubs that I would be challenged and humiliated in front of mates etc. Being young often means being more insecure and in my case I definitely found my mental state improved with age!

09-03-13, 08:23
I think you started the same thread about 6/7 months ago Grace and you received a lot of help and support then, we are going over the same ground.

Granny Primark
09-03-13, 08:29
Grace what a lovely photo.:D
Youve got a very pretty cute face.
I would say you looked 16.
Now stop worrying cus your beautiful!:yesyes:
And no doubt your beautiful inside as well as outside.:bighug1:

09-03-13, 09:52
Chin up lovely, we all go through the same process of age, stop focusing on it and it wont seem so bad.

09-03-13, 09:59
Thank You everyone for your comments. I'm just going through a bad patch at the moment. xxx

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 10:11
^ hope you feel better soon,Grace x