View Full Version : Wh-wh-wh-what?! How confusing...

Orange Lightning
08-03-13, 22:54
So not too long ago I mentionned about having a hiatal hernia. Well according to my final endoscopy report... er, suddenly I don't. The hospital will call me back in a few weeks for a barium swallow and another go at the endoscopy. Ugh I hated that, I accidentally gagged it back up because I didn't get enough sedative. :(

Anyway since leaving I've not been feeling AS bad as usual, aside from some tears of utter confusion. I'm left feeling rather embarassed so I'd like to ask this; can anxiety mimic tge synlmptoms of a hiatus hernia such as -

- Palpatations when bending/lying down, particularly after eating.
- Some foods getting stuck in throat or water refluxing
- Throat flutters/spasms
- Feeling like all the air is taken from you at once (worse lying down)
- Some lightheaded spells or indigestion; not constant but frequent.
- An airy feeling in the chest/throat.

Yuck. Sorry to pile on the symptoms but you can see why I'd like some reassurance please, just to fix my confused mind. ^^; Danke!

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 06:37
Those can be caused by anxiety.

Well according to my final endoscopy report... er, suddenly I don'tDid you question why they changed the diagnose? Also did you ask them if not that what else could be causing this as it's very alarming and scary to you. Make them give you answers and treatment plans (even if it's medication to settle your stomach for anxiety).

Orange Lightning
09-03-13, 18:15
Thanks, I've been chasing them up. One important question; is there a crucial way to tell the difference between anxiety and a hernia, like when symptoms onset for example? :p