View Full Version : Tips to stop losing weight

09-03-13, 03:17
I've been through a really rough patch lately and I lost a little bit more than 5 pounds and I'm freaking out. I've always struggled to keep my weight acceptable (I'm naturally really thin). I try to eat whenever I don't feel nauseous but it's obviously not enough. I look at my body and all I see is my sickness taking control of my appearance as well as my brain. It depresses me so much. Are any of you in the same situation or have been in that situation?

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 03:40
I've been through a really rough patch lately and I lost a little bit more than 5 pounds and I'm freaking out. I've always struggled to keep my weight acceptable (I'm naturally really thin). I try to eat whenever I don't feel nauseous but it's obviously not enough. I look at my body and all I see is my sickness taking control of my appearance as well as my brain. It depresses me so much. Are any of you in the same situation or have been in that situation?

Hi Annie.

First I don't think 5pounds is to bad to loose (depends on how fast you lost the weight?) ect, under a week. But either way you should talk to your doctor about this. They can give you anti nauseous medication, and other options to treat this.

For when you are feeling nauseous try eating salty crackers and sip on some sprite or other sort of soda.

:hugs: Feel better and let us know how are you doing.

09-03-13, 09:25
You could try protein shakes that will help build you up a little, maybe one a day in between a meal time as an extra :)

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 10:12
^ Good idea saro

09-03-13, 15:50
Switch to full fat milk. Full fat mayo cheese etc.
White instead of brown bread.
Try pasta, potatoes, bread.
Try a home made smoothie or milkshake. Will feel less like a meal with the calories. Can also add some protein power or porridge oats in their aswell.
Good luck :)

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 17:09
Switch to full fat milk. Full fat mayo cheese etc.
White instead of brown bread.
Try pasta, potatoes, bread.
Try a home made smoothie or milkshake. Will feel less like a meal with the calories. Can also add some protein power or porridge oats in their aswell.
Good luck :)

This sometimes can do more harm then good.

09-03-13, 17:38
I think you should probably discuss this with your doctor. Everyone has different reasons for weightloss and ways of increasing weight. you may have physical health problems causing it or have physical health problems being caused by it. a doctor can best advise or prescribe nutritional supplements if your depleted of essentials. I ignored my weight loss attributing it to Aniexty. But then I am not naturally skinny and was not distressed but pleased by my shrinking size. Turned out diabetes had the same symptoms as Aniexty. Better to be safe than sorry I say. when concerned ask the professionals. it may just be you have shrunk your stomach so much that you can't take food. in which case the docs can pop you on build up drinks. But better to get medically formulated stuff which is nutritionally balanced than protein shakes designed for bulking up weight lifters.

10-03-13, 03:13
Thanks for all of the advice. My appetite is a little better so I'll wait and see if I can at least gain back the weight I lost. I weight 95 pounds when I eat normally, so losing 5 pounds is a big deal for me. I feel like I'm disappearing when it happens.