View Full Version : How much time do you spend on your pc/tablet/laptop?

09-03-13, 17:29
How much time do people reckon they spend on here? And on the pc /tablet in general.

Weekdays im on pc about 3 hours a day.
Weekends I'mon a lot. Reading books, watching videos etc. I also constantly have this forum open when browsing around.
I get scared it'll affect my eyes though haha :/

I also place my ipad away from me to watch tele in the evening as I have no tv. Is this bad for my eyes? As its a small screen?

09-03-13, 18:50
I am on the laptop pretty much every single minute im awake and if im not then im watching TV lol.

It can strain your eyes and make them dry and tired but from what I have read it rarely causes any long term damage.

09-03-13, 20:22
6 hours at least. I was thinking of posting a poll on this today, how odd! I'm on it far too much and it makes me feel spaced out.

09-03-13, 20:24
Too much I think :D

09-03-13, 20:38
It's called nmpitis :shades: one just can't enough of it, it is an addiction in the nicest possible way.

09-03-13, 20:57
Oh dear, I think I might be suffering that condition too.
Is logging in and posting while on holiday a symptom?

Panic Manic
09-03-13, 22:49
17 or so hours a day.

10-03-13, 11:37
Too much!! xD

At a guess 8-12 hours a day..

10-03-13, 19:14
I'm to much to. Except mon-thurs when I work 8-5 and am up at 5:30 out by 6:25 and home at 6:00pm. By the time I've tidied a bit. Ate dinner, made lunch, showered that only leaves me about an two hours or three at the most before im to tired to use the ipad anymore.
Weekends. I don't count to try not to as I reckon its rather a lot lol !

10-03-13, 22:14
I love watching films on my tablet so on it quite a lot. just got new laptop as well so on that a lot too

11-03-13, 20:25
Since I've been off work I'm on it too much and it's not even productive stuff, I've become obsessed with selling things on ebay BUT the side effect is I keep looking at things like lurrrrvely shooooooz and it's not good for the bank balance! And I keep looking at silly cat videos on youtube. And looking for recipes for yummy things to bake (hubby has asked me to stop as he is getting chubby!)

Also I am obsessed with checking this forum in case I miss something!!!

That's all my sins confessed now :blush:

Tessar yes posting on holiday definitely requires a course of treatment but I hope you're having a nice time anyway :D

:hugs: to all

11-03-13, 23:53
I suspect for too much really :)

The things is, being agoraphobic and having been like that for years, the internet very soon became my link to the outside world and my social life :)

I will be trying to taper off of it soon though, I want to spend more time working on my crafts and, with Spring around the corner, I will also be outside a lot as I love being in the garden too :)

Computers and the internet are wonderful things that bring many people so much pleasure, but I think it's all too easy to start living in "cyber world" rather that enjoying all of the other lovely things in life :) :hugs:

12-03-13, 00:53
Way too much time and most of it on support forums or watching youtube vids tho if i had anything going on in my life i'd have no problem cutting down on it.
Mind you i still watch tv and movies but just keep my laptop fired up beside me in case i'm missing something somewhere lol.