View Full Version : Help I'm afraid I have Cancer, again.

09-03-13, 18:20
So I'm 32 years old and female caucassian and fair skin. I'm saying this cause I googled, I know I should of not asked Dr. Google this but I did and now I'm left freaking out.

I went to my Doctor last week cause I've noticed I get really red patches on my face and neck and chest and my hands get red patches as well. The doctor said I'm allergic to alcohol ok, I was fine with that. I also have GERD during my appointment I didn't discuss the association of the 2 with him, cause I went in to my appointment thinking after I googled it for days thinking it was roseacha he said no you don't have roseacha, I was like ok allergic to alcohol fine ill stop drinking it I didn't drink that much anymore anyways. When I was searching before my appointment with the doctor and came up with roseacha I came accross esophagus cancer which I have 2 out of the systems on the list.
It's more common in men and in men of 60 years of age.
I was taking meds.for my GERD but I stopped for about a year or so cause
It was to expensive and now I fear cause I have two symptoms out of like 10 or more
Tha I am going to get or have esophagus cancer. I don.t know why the letters
Just got bigger, sorry guys!

Please Can anybody help me out here? I'm really quite worried.
Thank you!

10-03-13, 01:20
Is anyone able to help me out here?

10-03-13, 02:05
I'm probably not the best one to help as I am goin through this as well as you know. But I think we have to look at our thought process, we think the worst right away and there are so many other things that can cause these symptoms as well. I say this while I am in the ER right now I am just so scared I have colon cancer. I've lost my appitite I feel light headed and can't go to the bathroom. Don't know how to deal with this anymore

10-03-13, 06:44
Join the club.. I've been having some abdominal and back pains and I'm convinced I have pancreatic cancer :( this is horrible

10-03-13, 06:47
Yup horrible, but I just have to stay positive! Worrying never gets you anywhere.