View Full Version : headache - not coping at the moment

10-03-13, 12:40
Please anyone with experience of headaches, help me...
Anyone had this type of headache - i wake up in the morning with it as well as feeling like my neck was uncomfortable on my pillow ( i ave had this pillow for ages though), headache is across my forehead and back of the head and like a tension type headache, steady and dull. Then when I get up after a bit of time, it stops if i am just sitting down still but i get like a throbbing or pulsing ache mostly to left side of my head, left side of my forehead, temple area and down at the base of the skull, more if i move, especially if i move my head suddenly or in some positions, if i strain physically, walk up the stairs, yell and things like that. If don't move at all and sit still watching tv i don't feel almost anything. If I massage the bone around my left eye it's tender, area above my ear and around temple is tender and even forehead to that side it's a bit tender, same areas on the other side are either not tender at all, like my eye area or much less tender. Few days ago my shoulders and neck were really bad but after using some muscle rub and ibuprofen gel it got really better, but this started as that got better ...
It's like i always have to suffer with something and i get so scared. I am suppose to go out shopping for our holiday, and my partner has got mad with me cause i am scared to go because of this. He is at work and i have to go with my son which scares me even more cause i will surely at some point have to shout for him or chase him about (he is a very lively 3 year old) and know i will definitely panic if i start feeling worse.
I might be doing the grinding as my dentist told me i am doing it, she has seen evidence but i am not aware of it. But i do realise at times that i am holding my muscles very tight especially now that i am scared and panicking and trying to stay still.
I am scared of aneurysms, high blood pressure headache or strokes and stuff like that, i have been trying to presuade myself is none of those... I've been to the doctor way too much lately, when i went last thursday i was hidding away from the doctors as i am sure they see me and think OMG she is here again, who is she seeing now...:scared15::weep: :blush::blush:
And every little thing i feel i just wanna run to the doctor. I am tired of it all. Why can't i feel fine ever...
This holiday we are going on is so stressful itself so that's not helping. I am thinking of sneaking to the doctor again tomorrow or tuesday just to get reassurance befre going away wednesday if i still feel this way and if this is tention and stress then i am sure i will. I wish i didn't have to do that!
But i just wish i would have the strenght to go out today and do what i have to do...

Please guys, any insight or advice or similar experience would greatly help :weep:

10-03-13, 15:43
im having similar thing at the moment and have been for the last 4-5 months
wake up with a headache nearly every morning behind eyes and the base of my skull
normally it goes away once i get up and move about but the dull pain behind my eyes remains some days all day(normally pain is about a 2-3)
been to the docs a few times to be told its tension headaches
i dont have any other symptoms that indicate anything serious(so they tell me)but it rally does start to wear you down especially as i have bad health anxiety(for cancer)funnily enough i never worry about any other illness