View Full Version : Channel 4 Documentary, I've been Chosen!!!

11-09-06, 16:39
Hey all,

Just thought I'd say I've have been chosen along with 4 other people to take part in a documentary for Channel 4!

God I'm so nervous, filming starts on Thurs, I've gotta go into London for a consultation, i get an intense course of CBT from one the the countries leading CBT therapists - AND I CANNOT WAIT!!! as yet again my anxiety is back and BAD!

I have never really seen a documentary on health anxiety before and so many people just don't understand how awful this is to live with, and how restricting it is on our lives.

I'm 26, wanna be going out and enjoying my life, but am so scared all the time if i go out I'm gonna have a panic attack and die!!

Anyway hopefully it will show people out there, who are suffering, they are not alone, and thats why I'm doing it!!

Will keep u updated when it will be going out!


11-09-06, 16:43
fantastic good on you when is it on the tv i for one will be watching well done suexx

11-09-06, 16:45

Thats brilliant news and I hope it goes well for you, let us know when it will be televised so we can all watch.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

11-09-06, 16:46
Not sure when it is going out, but I've been told it will be the 9pm slot!

Will let you all know date as soon as i do!!


11-09-06, 17:40
Congratulations, Laura!

Anybody is going to be anxious about this, but think of it as a golden opportunity to get some first class treatment and at the same time publicise health anxiety to the public at large.

Is this being down by the same team as OCD House?

Are being seen by Paul Savolskis?




And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-09-06, 18:38
Bloody hell, well done!!!! Whens it going to be aired id love to see it!!

11-09-06, 18:58
wow great news! I am so glad they are going to cover this topic, and I will make sure I and my family watch. There isnt enough public awareness about this.
Well done to you hun.

love Mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

Two heads
11-09-06, 19:08
well done laura!
I will be watching it.I think you are very brave to do this as i myself couldet!
Let us all known how it goes.
Good luckxxxxxxxx

11-09-06, 19:15
[Wow!] Congratulations Laura I'll be glued to my tv with my fingers crossed for you :)

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those horrible things you see when you take your mind off your goals (",)

11-09-06, 20:50
hi thats great, well done!!!! you will be fine!it,s good that people like you are willing to go on programmes like this as many many people live thinking they are the only ones who feel this way,but hopefully it will raise others awareness of what it,s like to live with these fears day in day out.
take care and well done again hope it goes well rachel x

11-09-06, 21:50

Great news and wishing you all the best with it all.

Let us know when it is on!


11-09-06, 22:20
Well Done Laura, [Wow!]

I hope that this will help you in a big way, You will be fine.

I hope to get your autograph, when you are a TV star.

Am looking forward to seeing it.

I hope that it will not only help us sufferers, but also let people, who don't understand, to see how horrible it is for us.

Congrats again

sara :D

11-09-06, 22:48
Well done Laura

Hope it helps you hun.
Getting all that support will be brill

Take care

Elaine x

11-09-06, 23:42
Congrats Laura and wishing you loadsa luck.

Let us know when it will be on. Cheers

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X


12-09-06, 09:20
Well done i really hope it works for you.

I was interviewed yesterday by the bbc to be part of a program just waiting to hear from them to see if i am extreme enough.

Keep us posted

love suzanne

s shaw

12-09-06, 12:57
Well done Laura.

I think its wonderful on two levels. One, that you get to access some excellent treatment and two, hopefully, as most of the others on here have already said, HA might get propelled into the public forums so that people can see how much we suffer and how it affects those around us.

The very best of luck to you.


I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

12-09-06, 13:00
thank you everyone you has given their support and think its a good thing!!! - I just hope it helps me and can put the message out of how awful this is!!

Will keep you all updated


12-09-06, 13:11
Good luck to all our budding Tv stars!!

Can't wait to hear all about it :D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-09-06, 16:47
well done


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

13-09-06, 10:38
I was approached about this too but I emailed them saying I'd be far too embarrassed to go on TV, but that I thought it was great they were doing it.
So well done and good luck- we're all behind you, Laura.

Carly xxx

radar tv
13-09-06, 12:32
Can anyone tell me more about these new documentaries? Are both Channel 4 and BBC about to go into production with these documentaries?

We are looking into a project ourselves at he moment, about health anxiety, can anyone suggest any clinicians or experts they would reccomend to speak to on the subject?

Radar TV