View Full Version : Headache fear of brain tumer

10-03-13, 14:25
Hi guys my anxiety is sky high at the moment back with arengence im scared for the last 2 days now my heads been hurting like mad so tence on and off like every 10mins or so whats wrong with me ?

Even from the second i wake up when im relaxed..

Dont wanna doie just yet only 26yrs old

10-03-13, 15:33
Hiya HotLad86

As you know headaches go hand in hand with anxiety.. I can get crushing headaches that last days or pressure that builds up and it is mainly on my leftside.

But you have said something that makes me think it could be a TMJ/Teeth Clenching related problem "Even from the second i wake up when im relaxed..".

If it was Brain Tumor I would have thought you would have more related symptoms..

Have you had a cold lately or any toothache...I'm sure if you look back over the last week you my find the cause.