View Full Version : Feeling soo depressed with this life

10-03-13, 14:32
I'm feeling soo down, I haven't nothing going for me and I don't see life getting any better right now, I have a rubbish job, no bf, I'm bullied everyday at work and basically work our taking the bully's side. Feel I'm in a pointless life right now. There's not much point nomore :-( xx

10-03-13, 15:59
Sorry 2 hear that, it must be horrible, i have had a bad week :(

10-03-13, 17:04
I would have a word with your boss at work Hayley, bullying in the work place should not be tolerated. Not sure how big the company is, but if you have a Human Resources department, put in an official complaint. It is really childish behaviour, totally disgusting.
Hope you start to feel better soon.

10-03-13, 18:07
I agree with bobbydog , do not tolerate bullying at work, only by speaking up about it can something be done.

10-03-13, 22:26
Chin up hunni, you will feel better if you give it time. Start focusing on what you want out of life and go and chase your dreams. Never let mental health stop that. xx