View Full Version : Weird ulcer/fluid filled thing between tongue and gum, really scared.

10-03-13, 15:12

Really freaking out right now :(

About a month, i got a flu like virus which lasted a few days and went away. at the same time i got this big ulcer thing in between the bottom of my tongue and all that connective tissue gum stuff, it didn't hurt like an ulcer, it was weird, the doctor said it was an ulcer because of the flu.

So 4 weeks later its still there!!! It comes and goes, at the moment its like its filled with fluid or something, its kind a transparent, then after a day or 2 it goes down to a tiny fraction of the size with a bit of white on it. Its like a small bubble really when its large, when its small and its gone down, its hardly anything at all.

It seems to be aggravated when eating sharp things, like biscuits or something, although the other day it flared up but i have no reason as to why it could have happened.

I'm really scared by it, had a really big anxiety attack earlier about the whole thing cause i'm convinced its cancer, especially when the 2 pharmacists i've seen said see the gp.

I have an appointment at the boots walk in clinic at 4.30 today, i'm terrified, i feel sick with fear and worry and i can't stop shaking :(

Friends and family think its an ulcer, but the pharmacist today said it isn't as it looks a bit inflamed and a bit red...it certainly doesn't feel like an ulcer, it doesn't sting or anything, it just appears and flares up like a small balloon filled with fluid, then it dies down, then it flares up again and its exactly the same place!! I'm so scared its cancer :( I stupidly googled it and it said long lasting ulcers under the tongue is a sign of mouth cancer.

Has anybody else had this kind of thing before?


10-03-13, 15:20
Hi bubble gum.
Sounds like a blocked saliva duct . And they can keep reoccurring , if they do see your dentist , they'll have a few tricks up they're sleeve .

10-03-13, 15:27
Hi thanks so much for replying,

I've never heard of a blocked saliva duct, what is one? I don't want to google it cause EVERYTHING always comes back with cancer :(

Is it serious?


10-03-13, 15:55
Hi again ,
They are the very small outlets where your " spit " comes out to moisten your mouth when you eat , they are all over the place . I like you don't like googling but if you type in blocked saliva duct then look at images you'll see what you have they are quite common.

10-03-13, 17:07
I think because you've been run down and it's in a weired place it's just not going and it's being aggregated constantly by food, juices and even talking.

Have you been prodding it??? I think you've got an infection ( from foods or from touching the area) due to the surrounding tissue being red and inflamed and also the white is indicative of an infection. That's all......don't worry you may need antibiotics or an anti microbial gel.

Could be a blocked saliva duct but because you think it's filled with fluid and it's red, either way might be an infection.

13-03-13, 10:39
Thanks, sorry for late reply but i'll fill you in...

i went to the walk in clinic, showed him pictures etc, he looked at it and said it was a salivial cyst...

That made me feel much better...for a while...

today i went to the dentist and he had a look, he said it looks like saliva duct thing but said if it was there for more than another 3 weeks then i should see a specalist at the hospital, before i responded he said it didn't look like cancer of malignant or anything but the sooner we get it checked out the better...ALARM BELLS!!!

I can't help but think now that there MUST be something wrong, its because he said that word cancer and that connected word malignant, i keep thinking he thinks theres more to it...i told him at this point i have very bad health anxiety and we continued with the dental work (check up)

Afterwards i said to him again, you don't think its cancer do you? he said no, and talked through what was happening, he explained it very well up to one point when he said the blockage is whats making the small lump still their, even though the fluid is draining...so i can't help but feel its something more sinister going on...i don't know what else it could be thats causing the blockage, and why it did it start in the first place? there must be a reason why it started in the first place...

so i said to him, book me in, cause otherwise i'm just gonna obsess over it more... so i gotta wait for an appointment now to see a specialist for them to take a look.

I'm really worried, he said do you smoke, i said no, i don't drink alcohol either...he said you don't smoke, you don't drink, you eat well...your chances are massively reduced...but the thing is my diet isn't great (no veg and very little fruit) and i have about 4 or 5 small cigars a YEAR but i'm assuming that won't really count will it?

Thanks for listening

13-03-13, 15:13
Bubblegum king ,
Like us all your letting your mind run riot , what your dentist is doing is waiting to see if your problem persists , if its a small stone in the duct he or she wouldn't remove it , it would be done at the hospital . Most times under local anaesthetic . Same with a cyst , when my son was 18 he took a blow under the jaw whilst playing rugby , and from that a large cyst grew called a ranula , under the tongue , he saw a oral surgeon who removed it . Doctors or dentists who weren't sure about some thing, would not have you wait three weeks , they would have you seen quickly.
I know it's hard for us all when we are convinced about some thing , but I'm sure your dentist have ruled out any thing bad .take care.

13-03-13, 17:32
I have one of these, my doctor said it was a mucous cyst full of saliva and nothing to worry about.