View Full Version : Caffeine/Alcohol

10-03-13, 17:31
Yesterday I felt good, but today not so good
Because I felt so well last night I had a coffee with Tia Maria in. Hardly drunk any alcohol or coffee this last 8 weeks. Also 2 cups of tea today.
We then went out and I didn't feel so good, not panic exactly, just thoughts. Do you think it could be the caffeine and small amount of alcohol?

10-03-13, 18:29
I'm not sure if its in my head, but I'm really struggling with any amount of alcohol at the mo. it seems to really increase my anxiety x

10-03-13, 20:00
I'm not sure if its in my head, but I'm really struggling with any amount of alcohol at the mo. it seems to really increase my anxiety x

Well I have just shouted at my husband and I feel so guilty. This morning was the 1st time I had slept past 5am, and he came in and woke me with scrambled egg and toast shaped like a heart . I know he really meant well, but I couldn't eat it - he knows how badly I've struggled to eat and sleep, and when he woke me I felt guilty staying in bed so got up. I felt ok at first, then as the day went on I just felt worse and worse.

10-03-13, 20:10
I can relate to this completely, I think we become hypersensitive when suffering from anxiety, noticing every physiological change and even waiting for any feeling of tension to arise. I know I do, a really bad habit on my part.

10-03-13, 22:24
Maybe have de-caff next time and see how you feel then?

10-03-13, 22:31
Hi Ruthless, I can't comment on the alcohol as I don't drink but I've cut out caffeine since I've been suffering with anxiety and it's definitely helped. Tonight I had a very weak caffeinated coffee for the first time in ages and I feel wired and edgy - I hadn't noticed what a difference it had made till now!!!

Peppermint tea has been my replacement tipple, and an effervescent multivitimin in the morning in place of my normal cuppa.

10-03-13, 23:21
When my anxiety was really horrific during my PGCE year I cut out caffeine and it really seemed to help. That was 15 years ago, and even now just one cup of tea sends my heart racing.... and you can guess the rest! So it's decaf all the way for me, and peppermint tea in the evening as its so calming.

Alcohol can also have a similar effect on some people apparently.

11-03-13, 03:26
I have stop drinking tea and coffee altogether. It seemed to make my heart go fast and felt very strange.

I have cut alcohol out because I am taking citalopram.

But yeah it could be the coffee.
I have warm juice at night.


11-03-13, 17:56
as some of you know the physical feeling i get the day after alcohol consumption wether 1 drink or 6 i feel 10 times worse, not every time but quite a bit

11-03-13, 19:16
I used to love a drink, and coffee!

Think it was a bit silly to have a coffee with alcohol in it on Sat night, but I had felt so good all day.

Anyway, I have now got Chamomile and Peppermint tea, so will give both of those a go

12-03-13, 00:18
I am terrible on coffee. However things effect people in different ways, so to go by what others are saying might not be what works or affects you though.

All i know is if i am feeling a bit worn down, a bit tired, a coffee tips me over the edge. Once you have gone over the edge its twice as much works to bring yourself back. Coffee gives me the shakes, it makes my brain race with thoughts and sometimes this kick starts an adrenaline rush that lasts for 6-7 hours. So the caffeine has worn off but the adrenaline it created is now racing round and needs to be worked off.

The best thing is to work it off, clean the bathroom, clean the floor, clear out your draws. do something and by the end the adrenaline might have been worked off. You'll feel better and calmer then. Then next time decaf..or drink it caffeine full but realise what's going to happen and don't be scared by your bodies reaction...you know why.

12-03-13, 11:13
drinking is what causes my anxiety full stop if i was t total from 16 yrs old i truly believe i wouldnt be in this mess i dont drink now or have caffine i hope one day i will fully recover

---------- Post added at 11:13 ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 ----------

oh plus cigs can give me a panic attack