View Full Version : Headache?

10-03-13, 18:13
I've had this headache all day and am getting worried about it now.
It's above my eyebrows and round to the back of my head .
Also am feeling some tension in shoulders area.
Is this classic tension headache symptoms or something more sinister ?

Carly Lou
10-03-13, 19:47
Ive had a headache on and off for 4 days now.... obviously im trying to tell myself its my anxiety causing it... but oooh that good old brain tumour worry is off on one in my head.... Paracetomal wasnt doing anything so had some anadin and thats helped a bit... so im trying to be rashional and say its ANXIETY.....
the weather changes can cause a headache with me...
im sure your fine... like im sure i am.... but bleurgh.... poop isnt it xxxx
try and drink loads of water, hydrate yourself... the more you think about it and worry the worse it will get.. xxx

Carls xx

11-03-13, 20:18
Feeling better today. Really think it was tension as my bloody neck and shoulders really really ache a lot the last couple of days. :(.

12-03-13, 14:01
Hi Emma,

Glad you're feeling better today. I suffered with bad tension headaches almost every day last year which effected my eyesight, neck & shoulders. It scared the hell out of me and it was obvious to me that I had some kind of tumour - a huge one! Try to relax a little (easier said than done I know) and stretching out really helps. xx

12-03-13, 14:25
definitely sounds like tension to me ... i had a bad one this weekend. Ended up icing my shoulders and neck 10 minutes on 50 mins off and that helped.