View Full Version : So scared - reassurance?

10-03-13, 20:51
Basically I am getting over the flu, and I mean full blown flu that's had me stuck in bed since Wednesday. Feeling a little better today.

I have understandably been quite dizzy with it and really unsteady on my feet when I've had to get up. Last night when I moved from the sofa (id been there since lunchtime) to go to bed I was extremely dizzy and couldn't get up as I felt like I would pass out. I had a panic attack. I rung the emergency dr who said to go down to be checked over. She discovered my throat looked infected so gave me antibiotics. My dizzyness was due to the illness and my fast pulse and high temp.

I took the antibiotics last night, this morn, and just before lunch. Mid afternoon my chest/throat felt a bit tight, my face and mouth felt odd and I noticed a red pin prick rash under my skin on my arms and hands.

I phoned the dr again who didn't seem too worried, just said take no more and he'll get me a prescription for something else. I am now terrified to take these tablets in case the same or worse happens!

My symptoms went away until half an hour ago, and all the same symptoms from earlier came on again but not as severe. I'm scared to go to bed in case I have a full blown reaction in my sleep. I'm even more scared to take the tablets in case they react with one another :(

I need to take something my throat feels swollen, looks red and sore and I can't speak properly with it. This whole illness has brought my anxiety back worse than ever.

11-03-13, 00:43
Your body is still healing it's just been through a flu, don't worry your going to be fine! Relax and let your doctor and your body to their job. I hope this has helped you out a little.