View Full Version : Physical symptoms diagnosed as anxiety, do not feel stressed or anxious

10-03-13, 20:57
Hi guys,

I have been experiencing strange symptoms for approx 1 month such as laboured breathing, muscle pains, vision problems and feeling not myself. I have had two blood tests which have come back clear and the GP says I have anxiety. I am not stressed over anything I can think of and was wondering if any users have experienced physical symptoms without being aware of anxiety


10-03-13, 21:19
I have all over muscle pain and wasn't anxious until these started, often have a lump in throat too

10-03-13, 21:26
I'm the same, the only thing I'm worried about now is these physical symptoms!

13-03-13, 14:07
I have the same thing - shakiness, rapid heart rate now and then, low libido, sensitivity to blood sugar changes...yet my last fasting blood test came back fine (it also tested thyroid, coeliac, iron levels). I have physical symptoms that resemble a 'fight or flight' response even though I don't have any immediate threat that I'm aware of...

However, I always worry about little things, and there is the possibility that this is subconsciously being turned into something bigger by my mind, hence the physical symptoms. If you look at the wikipedia article on generalised anxiety disorder physical symptoms comprise a big part of the overall symptoms of GAD. If your blood tests have come back fine I wouldn't worry too much.

In some cases, the body can show physical signs of anxiety weeks or months after you've had a particularly stressful experience.

The good news is that you can manage these symptoms in a number of ways - exercise, relaxation, limiting alcohol/caffeine - without necessarily going down the medication route.