View Full Version : Please calm me down

10-03-13, 21:08
Hi there,

I've been not too bad for a whole now but for this past week have been having persistent right rib pain/ abdominal (right hand) pain and my stomach has been very bloated ( and still is)
I've automatically jumped to this being related to my liver. I have been experiencing ongoing issues with heamorroids/ fissures meaning I often have pain and fresh blood when passing stools. I
Now thinking I may have cancer from bowel which has spread to my liver.:( I am in a blind panic please someone help :(

Panic Manic
10-03-13, 21:25
To be a bit graphic if you have 'fresh' blood (bright red) ect, it's most likely due to the hemorroids and strains, if it was cancer or anything like that the blood by the time it came out that way would be a browish color.

10-03-13, 21:41
Hi Aillie

I know it's easier said than done? But try to look at things differently? What would you say to a friend who had these symptoms? I suffer from anxiety and my way of thinking is to catastrophe everything!! Maybe this is your thought process too. Please don't do what I do and look up the Internet about these symptoms as Dr. Google has a way of always giving the worse case scenario!!! What you are describing could be a viral infection, or anxiety (but I am not a doctor ) try and relax.. If you still feel in a blind panic tomorrow maybe make an appointment with your GP? Take care of yourself :) really hope you feel better soon

10-03-13, 22:19
You got to stop the cycle of thoughts of it being the worse thing that you could possibly think of. You are obviously fully aware that you have Health Anxiety and I know its difficult but you have to remember that its just HA, keep reassuring yourself over and over. Tell yourself it is just HA and haemorroids which you know that you suffer with and most importantly DONT google. It will always give you the worse possible outcome.

11-03-13, 23:08
Thanks for the replies folks. Im a bit calmer today but the thoughts are always with you. Wish my HA would go away and stay away! :mad:

11-03-13, 23:45
I too have had bad rib pain in my left side and also a bloated stomach this evening! Have you been lying/sleeping in an awkward position and have you eaten much recently? X

12-03-13, 07:58
Ok i felt it was about time i posted on this forum. I have been coming on for along time just reading as i find it a great help, but if everybody just read then we would have nothing to read !!

I have pain in and around both sides of my ribs all day long...Funny thing is when I am in bed led down it goes completely. It has had me worried for 3 months now and the doctors says it muscular and down to stress. I tried to believe him not easy when you have HA. Maybe its the same for you.

12-03-13, 17:38
Hi Scottie,

Yes it's difficult when the pain is there with no real
Reason for it. At least you have attended your doctor who is satisfied you are ok. If it isn't budging then you should maybe go back?

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

Hi izzie,

No i don't think I have been sleeping awkwardly or ate too much recently. The pain is still there, and is constant :(