View Full Version : Leg/Hip/Backpain

11-09-06, 18:12
I usually suffer in silence. I love reading this forum because it helps me deal with my health anxiety without directly sharing my thoughts with others. However, recently things seem to have ratcheted up quite a bit. I've had this Leg/Hip/Back pain for about 3 years, its not too painful but it scares the living daylights out of me! Its kind of like a Sciatica but it sometimes extends into my pelvic area or back. I've talked to doctors about it and they have assured me that its nothing to worry about. It's back now and is really bothering me. I keep going back to the same thoughts that its really a terminal disease. I have suffered with this same pattern for many years, since early childhood. I'm at a point where a feel like I need to finally break the cycle. I understand the mechanics of Anxiety but I fail to accept them. I always feel that for me its different. Has anyone else experienced this type of pain? How do I shake this once and for all?

11-09-06, 18:21
Firstly, i wanna say that im not a dr! but you have had this a long time and have discussed this before with yur doctor and he's reassured you your ok. health anxiety can make the symptoms worse as you dwell on it. myself, im going through a leg/thigh/pelvic pain phase, its been like this for over a month, ive put it down to the fact that im not active enough, i sit ALOT! so naturally, im a lil stiff and tense. were not made to be sat down all day watching tv, at the comp etc.
3 years is along time, no harm has come to you during that time. if you are really really worried, then see your dr again or a differant doctor and explain it.
Hope this helps.
Becci x

12-09-06, 09:57

I too have this sort of pain. My legs are sometimes really achy - like a sort of cramp and my hips and knee joints are very sore.

I know that I am a little overweight and so losing a bit will probably help. I also take Jointcare tablets and have recently started going to a chiropracter which is really helpful. She has said that even after small injuries (right from when you are a child), your body compensates and your spine can become compressed. She showed me in the mirror that when I stood, what I thought to be normally, I actually had one shoulder a lot higher than the other one and my left side is very tense. Stress and tension can make you tighten and make things a lot worse.

I would recommend going to a chiropracter. You would probably need your GP to refer you if you want to claim on your insurance - that is the route I went.

Good luck!!

Jo xx

12-09-06, 09:58

I too have this sort of pain. My legs are sometimes really achy - like a sort of cramp and my hips and knee joints are very sore.

I know that I am a little overweight and so losing a bit will probably help. I also take Jointcare tablets and have recently started going to a chiropracter which is really helpful. She has said that even after small injuries (right from when you are a child), your body compensates and your spine can become compressed. She showed me in the mirror that when I stood, what I thought to be normally, I actually had one shoulder a lot higher than the other one and my left side is very tense. Stress and tension can make you tighten and make things a lot worse.

I would recommend going to a chiropracter. You would probably need your GP to refer you if you want to claim on your insurance - that is the route I went.

Good luck!!

Jo xx