View Full Version : Peripheral vision and floaters

11-03-13, 00:56
I made a thread a while ago about floaters and how I notice them a lot more often.
I don't seem to notice them as much anymore, but I still see them from time to time, maybe a couple of times a day or more.
But I've also been seeing weird things which has been going on for I'd say maybe 3 weeks but It won't happen regularly, only now and then.
In my peripheral vision, I thought I saw a shadow but it wasn't, and then maybe 2/3 times I have seen a quick flash too, somewhat like thunder.
This is kind of worrying me as (yes I googled for some idiotic reason) and It could be 'worrisome' I don't wear glasses or contacts.
I mean, I don't think I have a retinal tear...and I don't feel a migraine coming on so I don't know what else it could be/

11-03-13, 09:30
No ones gets this?

I'm also worried about my leg, but don't want to make yet another thread on something.
In my first thread I said it was hurting around my shin area, that has pretty much all gone, but the pain has radiated just below my calf and above my achilles. I'm scared it's a blood clot or something serious

11-03-13, 10:17
Hi I have eye floaters and I get those flashes of lights aswell. Ive had a eye test at the hospital about it all was fine I was told they would go but can take a while :-/

11-03-13, 11:50
Hello RVP.

Floaters as you know are everyday things that nearly everyone has they are not classed a problem unless you have so many that it effects you sight. I have loads constantly and they have been checked out and it is nothing to worry about.
Our eye sight starts to get worse from around the age of 40...

I see shadows (and not talking the cliff richards kind''If you are old enough to get that) and again that is a common thing.. I can also see a mist in my vision and also I can see bright balls of light a time,I looked out my window the other day and wondered why the street light were on (but they were not it was my vision).

But again most if not all of these problems are caused by Stress..I never had any trouble with my eyes before I suffered from stress relate problems.

And your pain that started in the shin and is now in the calf and above my achilles. Well that sounds very much like a sports kind of related injury (I have hurt my ankle and lower leg before now after a restless nights sleep) So you can injury yourself easier than you would think.

But as per normal you are always best seeing a doctor if you have any major concerns:)